Comedian Joy Behar repeated her ‘View’ tirade against Christine O’Donnell on her eponymous HLN network program yesterday, denouncing the Delaware Republican Senate nominee as “crazy” and suggesting she should see a psychotherapist. “You know, I’m not a shrink, but this is the crazy train this girl is on,” chortled Behar, who also belittled O’Donnell on ABC’s “The View” yesterday. After maligning O’Donnell’s character, Behar suggested the social conservative could benefit from therapy: “I believe in psychotherapy. Maybe she should go to a shrink.” Behar’s guest, psychotherapist Robi Ludwig, did not take the bait: “I don’t know that much about her. But we also need to allow people to change as they grow. Express themselves when they’re young, make mistakes and change their point of view. Do we really think that she’s into witchcraft? I don’t really buy it.” Lisa Bloom, Behar’s other guest, was equally unwilling to contribute to the personal attacks: “If you haven’t done something a little wacky in your youth, then I think there’s something wrong with you.” The same comedian who believes liberals are more open-minded than conservatives dismissed outsiders like O’Donnell who are defeating the political establishment in primaries across the country: “Nobody normal seems to be running these days. There’s crazies around.” A transcript of the relevant portion of the segment can be found below: HLN Joy Behar September 20, 2010 9:08 P.M. E.S.T. JOY BEHAR: You know, I’m not a shrink, but this is the crazy train this girl is on. ROBI LUDWIG, psychotherapist and contributor: Yes. BEHAR: Robi, I mean — LUDWIG: Did she do that after denouncing masturbation? I don’t know. BEHAR: Yes. But you know, we’re laughing at this, but this woman could be a — GLENDA HATCHETT, judge: A senator. BEHAR: A senator from Delaware, Joe Biden’s state. Ok. (CROSSTALK) BEHAR: I mean it’s scary in a certain weird way. LUDWIG: It is a little scary, but also she did this when she was young. And I think we need to allow — I’m not saying her judgment is good — I don’t know her. I don’t know that much about her. But we also need to allow people to change as they grow. Express themselves when they’re young, make mistakes and change their point of view. Do we really think that she’s into witchcraft? I don’t really buy it. BEHAR: No, it’s a silly thing. It’s silly season for this girl. Lisa, is this worse than the anti-masturbation video she put out? Because that could hurt her politically too. LISA BLOOM, attorney: You know this is the first interesting thing I’ve heard about her. If you haven’t done something a little wacky in your youth, then I think there’s something wrong with you. She dabbled in satanic rituals and witchcraft. Ok.. Now she seems more like a human being to me. It’s the masturbation stuff I just can’t grasp at all. BEHAR: Really? What were you up to in high school, Lisa? What were you dabbling in? BLOOM: My mother would kill me if I told you on national TV. BEHAR: What about you girls? Do you have any dabbles? HATCHETT: Listen, I was a juvenile court judge. I’ll never fess up. LUDWIG: You’re smart. Twitter or Facebook didn`t exist when I was a girl. That’s all I’m saying. HATCHETT: The guys I used to date – oh, my mercy. BEHAR: But you know what, Robi? Nobody normal seems to be running these days. There’s crazies around. LUDWIG: Well, who is not crazy? BEHAR: I don`t want them representing me. HATCHETT: Right. BEHAR: I believe in psychotherapy. Maybe she should go to a shrink. LUDWIG: Maybe and I’m available, but I think also we know a lot more about people than now than we did in the past. And maybe we’re just finding out – BEHAR: I mean here’s a girl. She’s been abstinent. She’s 41 years old, according to her, abstinence make the heart grow fonder. And she doesn’t masturbate. And yet she’s going to make public policy about sexual behavior in the country. LUDWIG: Well, she denounced it. Whether she hasn’t done it is another story. BEHAR: We don’t know. LUDWIG: That’s very interesting. BEHAR: She should come on my show and talk to me about. HATCHETT: She should. BEHAR: Ok, thanks very much.
See more here:
HLN’s Joy Behar Reiterates O’Donnell Bashing, Advises Nominee to See a Psychotherapist