Tag Archives: the joy behar show

HLN’s Joy Behar Reiterates O’Donnell Bashing, Advises Nominee to See a Psychotherapist

Comedian Joy Behar repeated her ‘View’ tirade against Christine O’Donnell on her eponymous HLN network program yesterday, denouncing the Delaware Republican Senate nominee as “crazy” and suggesting she should see a psychotherapist. “You know, I’m not a shrink, but this is the crazy train this girl is on,” chortled Behar, who also belittled O’Donnell on ABC’s “The View” yesterday. After maligning O’Donnell’s character, Behar suggested the social conservative could benefit from therapy: “I believe in psychotherapy. Maybe she should go to a shrink.” Behar’s guest, psychotherapist Robi Ludwig, did not take the bait: “I don’t know that much about her. But we also need to allow people to change as they grow. Express themselves when they’re young, make mistakes and change their point of view. Do we really think that she’s into witchcraft? I don’t really buy it.” Lisa Bloom, Behar’s other guest, was equally unwilling to contribute to the personal attacks: “If you haven’t done something a little wacky in your youth, then I think there’s something wrong with you.” The same comedian who believes liberals are more open-minded than conservatives dismissed outsiders like O’Donnell who are defeating the political establishment in primaries across the country: “Nobody normal seems to be running these days. There’s crazies around.” A transcript of the relevant portion of the segment can be found below: HLN Joy Behar September 20, 2010 9:08 P.M. E.S.T. JOY BEHAR: You know, I’m not a shrink, but this is the crazy train this girl is on. ROBI LUDWIG, psychotherapist and Care.com contributor: Yes. BEHAR: Robi, I mean — LUDWIG: Did she do that after denouncing masturbation? I don’t know. BEHAR: Yes. But you know, we’re laughing at this, but this woman could be a — GLENDA HATCHETT, judge: A senator. BEHAR: A senator from Delaware, Joe Biden’s state. Ok. (CROSSTALK) BEHAR: I mean it’s scary in a certain weird way. LUDWIG: It is a little scary, but also she did this when she was young. And I think we need to allow — I’m not saying her judgment is good — I don’t know her. I don’t know that much about her. But we also need to allow people to change as they grow. Express themselves when they’re young, make mistakes and change their point of view. Do we really think that she’s into witchcraft? I don’t really buy it. BEHAR: No, it’s a silly thing. It’s silly season for this girl. Lisa, is this worse than the anti-masturbation video she put out? Because that could hurt her politically too. LISA BLOOM, attorney: You know this is the first interesting thing I’ve heard about her. If you haven’t done something a little wacky in your youth, then I think there’s something wrong with you. She dabbled in satanic rituals and witchcraft. Ok.. Now she seems more like a human being to me. It’s the masturbation stuff I just can’t grasp at all. BEHAR: Really? What were you up to in high school, Lisa? What were you dabbling in? BLOOM: My mother would kill me if I told you on national TV. BEHAR: What about you girls? Do you have any dabbles? HATCHETT: Listen, I was a juvenile court judge. I’ll never fess up. LUDWIG: You’re smart. Twitter or Facebook didn`t exist when I was a girl. That’s all I’m saying. HATCHETT: The guys I used to date – oh, my mercy. BEHAR: But you know what, Robi? Nobody normal seems to be running these days. There’s crazies around. LUDWIG: Well, who is not crazy? BEHAR: I don`t want them representing me. HATCHETT: Right. BEHAR: I believe in psychotherapy. Maybe she should go to a shrink. LUDWIG: Maybe and I’m available, but I think also we know a lot more about people than now than we did in the past. And maybe we’re just finding out – BEHAR: I mean here’s a girl. She’s been abstinent. She’s 41 years old, according to her, abstinence make the heart grow fonder. And she doesn’t masturbate. And yet she’s going to make public policy about sexual behavior in the country. LUDWIG: Well, she denounced it. Whether she hasn’t done it is another story. BEHAR: We don’t know. LUDWIG: That’s very interesting. BEHAR: She should come on my show and talk to me about. HATCHETT: She should. BEHAR: Ok, thanks very much.

See more here:
HLN’s Joy Behar Reiterates O’Donnell Bashing, Advises Nominee to See a Psychotherapist

Joy Behar: Christine O’Donnell ‘Needs to Watch Some Porn and Get Some Tips’

On Wednesday’s Joy Behar Show on HLN, after playing a clip of Delaware Republican Senate nominee Christine O’Donnell when she spoke out against masturbation on MTV in 1996, host Behar cracked that, “She needs to watch some porn and get some tips, is what she needs,” as Republican strategist Leslie Sanchez tried to argue that O’Donnell’s religious beliefs should not be held against the Delaware Republican. Sanchez had to argue against two liberals in the form of host Behar and fellow guest Roy Sekoff of the Huffington Post. Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the segment from the Wednesday, September 15, Joy Behar Show on HLN: JOY BEHAR: That’s her platform? Look, mom, no hands. That was on Rachel Maddow’s show last night. Go ahead, Roy. LESLIE SANCHEZ, REPUBLICAN STRATEGIST: You know, I’m surprised talking about the bad choice there, and that was in the spiral perm. I did that in the ‘90s. It was just really the wrong way to go. ROY SEKOFF, HUFFINGTON POST: I mean, this was obviously, this was not a good day for masturbators, Joy. Clearly, this is, you know, the biggest opponent to masturbation since your seventh grade science teacher told you about the, you know, the hair on your palms. Not a good day for the self-pleasurer. SANCHEZ: Let’s put it in perspective. I don’t think it’s fair, I think it’s really sad to be criticizing someone for their religious beliefs. Rachel Maddow may not agree with that. SEKOFF: No, no, no, that’s not, Leslie, Leslie- SANCHEZ: She created an abstinence video for MTV for youth. I mean- BEHAR: She needs to watch some porn and get some tips, is what she needs.

Excerpt from:
Joy Behar: Christine O’Donnell ‘Needs to Watch Some Porn and Get Some Tips’

Steve Malzberg Destroys Joy Behar: ‘You Represent a Radical Leftist View’

Conservative radio personality Steve Malzberg on Tuesday told Joy Behar exactly what the vast majority of right-thinking Americans would love to say to this “View” co-host if given the opportunity: ” You represent a radical leftist view in this country; it`s a very small minority .” Chatting with Behar on the CNN Headline News program bearing her name, Malzberg told the comedienne turned political commentator a thing or two about the Democrat President she adores, the former Republican President she hates, and why those controlling Congress are to blame for the sagging economy. After only three minutes of having her poorly-founded opinions challenged, Behar quickly dismissed Malzberg to bring on a friendlier guest (video follows with transcript and commentary):  JOY BEHAR, HOST: Well, it`s back-to-school season. You know what that means. Time for some schools in Texas and Colorado to screen President Obama`s speech to children to make sure it`s fit for their ears. Hide your children. I`m about to play a piece. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Nobody gets to write your destiny but you. Your future is in your hands. Your life is what you make of it and nothing, absolutely nothing is beyond your reach. So long as you are willing to dream big. So long as you are willing to work hard. So long as you`re willing to stay focused on your education. (END VIDEO CLIP) BEHAR: Good thing they screened that because if you play it backwards it`s actually socialist propaganda. Here with me now are Stephanie Miller, host of “The Stephanie Miller Show”; Steve Malzberg, WOR radio talk show host and columnist for Newsmax.com. Hi Steve, how are you? STEVE MALZBERG, WOR RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Good, Joy. How are you? BEHAR: Good. What is the paranoia about on the right Steve? Tell me what it`s about. MALZBERG: You can`t ignore what happened last year with the Department of Education put out a directive to schools all over the country on how to handle Barack Obama`s speech last year to kids. BEHAR: What are they afraid of? MALZBERG: First of all, they backed off. They must have been — well, what is who afraid of? What are parents afraid of or what is the Department of Education afraid of? BEHAR: What are they afraid that he is going to say that is going to be so harmful to children? MALZBERG: Well, we know that the school wanted the kids to write letters on how they would help Barack Obama achieve his policies. And the Department of Education must have known they did something wrong because when that was discovered, they backed off and they told teachers not to have kids do that. So you`d have to ask the Department of Education what they did wrong last year that made them change what they did. Look, Barack Obama is the most divisive president we`ve ever seen. BEHAR: Come on. MALZBERG: That`s not just me. You can read Doug Schoen and Pat Caddell, two life-long Democrats who wrote in the “Wall Street Journal” a column called “The Divisive Presidency.” BEHAR: You know, can I just say Steve that — MALZBERG: Sure. BEHAR: I think that the tipping point for divisiveness was when the Supreme Court said that George W. Bush was the president and not the people — of the United States. I think that was the moment when the divide began. Don`t blame it on Barack Obama. MALZBERG: The people of the United States voted. It was the Supreme Court who deciphered the votes. BEHAR: Oh, come on. They never counted all the votes in Florida. There were more hanging chads there — come on. MALZBERG: You represent a radical leftist view in this country; it`s a very small minority. BEHAR: And what do you represent? MALZBERG: I represent the majority of people. BEHAR: Oh, the moral majority? MALZBERG: I didn`t say moral. I said look at the polls. He lost all his independent support because he is a radical, divisive figure. Why do you think all the independents have deserted him? White, educated women have deserted him. BEHAR: What is so divisive about trying to get health care for everybody, about trying to redo the financial situation in this country that he was left with, by President Bush in the previous years — (CROSSTALK) BEHAR: By trying to end the war in Iraq which was an immoral war and a political war that had nothing to do with the truth? What is so divisive about that? Tell me that. MALZBERG: First of all, the Congress has been Democrat since 2006. I don`t know if you know that. But aside from that — BEHAR: I love how the right wing, they blame the Democratic Congress when it suits your side. MALZBERG: Well, you say — well, everybody assumes that the Democrats took over with Obama in `08 and are trying to save us. The unemployment rate when the Democrats took over Congress was 5 percent. It went up to where it is now under a Democratic Congress. That aside — BEHAR: Come on. Cut the guy some slack. You see what he inherited. I really have to go. Thanks, Steve. Let me turn to Stephanie Miller now. Yeah, let’s turn to Stephanie Miller, someone who’s much more likely to agree with Behar. Of course, parents with children watching should be advised to quickly change channels, for after Behar showed a campaign ad mocking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Miller asked, “Is it wrong that I want to pour hot coffee in my genitals just from having been subjected to that?” Now that’s some classy material for a cable news network during prime time. What must CNN have been thinking giving this cretin her own show? On the other hand, that’s a silly question given the recent hiring of Kathleen Parker, Eliot Spitzer, and Piers Morgan, isn’t it? And they wonder why their ratings are plummeting faster than the President’s they helped get elected. Nice job, Steve! Bravo!

Original post:
Steve Malzberg Destroys Joy Behar: ‘You Represent a Radical Leftist View’

Scarborough Justifies Decision Not to Talk about Gore Sexual Allegation on ‘Morning Joe’; Calls Topic ‘Unfair’

It’s already been documented that the media have, at least initially, ignored the allegation the global warming alarmist-in-chief and former Vice President Al Gore faced a sexual assault charge in 2006. But why? Although not know for its enlightening commentary, ABC’s June 24 broadcast of “The View” offered an answer for that question. Subbing a moderator for the show’s panel was MSNBC “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough, who explained their decision to ignore it was based on “insufficient evidence” despite the police report documenting the allegation. “This is an interesting story,” Scarborough said. “A 2006 police report surfaced of a masseuse claiming former Vice President Al Gore repeatedly attempted, quote, ‘unwanted sexual contact with her during a hotel room massage which lasted for three hours.’ Detectives found insufficient evidence to support the allegations, which leads to my question first, Joy. Should we be talking about it at all? This was in The Oregonian. We decided this morning not to talk about it on ‘Morning Joe’ because there was insufficient evidence. The Oregonian picked it up, then the National Enquirer. Everybody’s going to be talking about it. Should we?” Panelist Joy Behar, who also hosts a HLN primetime show said she suspected there was more to Al Gore’s marital problems than was initially let on. “I’ve been saying all along, though that there is something more to the breakup,” Behar said. “This is the ‘Tipper’ of the iceberg because I think that in fact the guy has a history now. I’m beginning to believe it.” But that wasn’t fair to Gore, who now apparently has a friend in Joe Scarborough. He disagreed with Behar’s assertion. “But we don’t know that,” Scarborough protested. “We’re piling on.” A little later, Scarborough labeled the entire story – that a former sitting vice president would be the subject of such “unfair” media scrutiny. “Let’s get back to Al Gore,” Scarborough said. “Really quickly though, I want to get back to what I think is the unfairness to Al Gore because those of us in New York know that there was a rumor on the front page of the New York Post last week – an unfounded, but a rumor that everybody in New York talked about. Now we’ve got another story out there in The Oregonian. Where there’s smoke, there’s not always fire.” Behar relented and conceded there was a degree of unfairness. “It’s not really fair to the guy,” Behar said. “I’m a comedian. I’m going to go for the joke no matter who it is. It’s not fair.”

See the article here:
Scarborough Justifies Decision Not to Talk about Gore Sexual Allegation on ‘Morning Joe’; Calls Topic ‘Unfair’