Tag Archives: unwanted-sexual

Morgan Freeman Sets The Record Straight On The Sexual Misconduct Claims Against Him – “I Did Not Assault Women”

Morgan Freeman Releases Statement On Sexual Harassment Claims As you probably know by now, Morgan Freeman has been accused of sexual harassment by 16 different women . The actor has been accused of everything from trying to lift a set assistant’s skirt and inquiring about her underwear, to making sexually charged comments about staff members’ breasts and buttocks. Granted, sexual misconduct includes a spectrum of inappropriate and intimidating behavior toward women and can include everything from harassment to outright rape. None of it is justified or okay for any reason. But Freeman wants it to be perfectly clear that while he is a flawed individual who may not always make the best decisions around women…he is definitely nobody’s Cosby or Weinstein with it . In a statement given through his publicist Stan Rosenfield, Morgan let it be known in clear terms that his allegations are NOT inclusive of him physically forcing himself on or sexually coercing any woman in any way: “I am devastated that 80 years of my life is at risk of being undermined, in the blink of an eye, by Thursday’s media reports. All victims of assault and harassment deserve to be heard. And we need to listen to them. But it is not right to equate horrific incidents of sexual assault with misplaced compliments or humor. I admit that I am someone who feels a need to try to make women—and men—feel appreciated and at ease around me. As a part of that, I would often try to joke with and compliment women, in what I thought was a light-hearted and humorous way. Clearly I was not always coming across the way I intended. And that is why I apologized Thursday and will continue to apologize to anyone I might have upset, however unintentionally. But I also want to be clear: I did not create unsafe work environments. I did not assault women. I did not offer employment or advancement in exchange for sex. Any suggestion that I did so is completely false.” Thus far, no accusation of unwanted sexual contact with Freeman has been reported. He’s only been accused of making comments and jokes that made women very uncomfortable. A CNN Entertainment reporter compiled a few examples of Morgan’s “inappropriate” behavior around entertainment reporters, including an instance in which she says that he looked her pregnant body up and down suggestively and said “boy do I wish I was there.” Check out this account of Morgan’s “misconduct” during promotional junkets: Now…is it just us, or was he not referring to her or her body in that second clip whatsoever? Your thoughts? Getty

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Morgan Freeman Sets The Record Straight On The Sexual Misconduct Claims Against Him – “I Did Not Assault Women”

Jesus Take The Wheel: White Supremacist Teenager Admits To Murking Gay Classmate, Sentenced 21 Years

These kids were only in Middle School…Middle School! A California teen pleaded guilty on Monday to second-degree murder for shooting to death a 15-year-old gay classmate at his middle school who he said made unwanted sexual advances. The plea by Brandon McInerney, under an agreement with Ventura County prosecutors, brings to a close an emotionally charged case that previously resulted in a hung jury on a charge of murder with a hate crime enhancement. McInerney, who was 14 at the time of the shooting in 2008, will be sentenced to 21 years in prison without time off for good behavior when he appears before a judge in December, prosecutors said. The case drew wide attention because of its shocking premise: McInerney, in a fit of homophobic rage, killed classmate Larry King because he was offended by King’s dress and how the victim interacted with him. Prosecutors said McInerney, now 17, took a gun to E.O. Green Junior High School in Oxnard and sat in a computer lab with King before shooting him in the back of the head and then firing at him as he lay on the ground. King died two days later after he was removed from life support at a local hospital. King, 15, was openly gay, and McInerney’s attorneys argued he made sexual advances against their client. Ventura County prosecutors said McInerney targeted King because of his sexuality and they stressed that King, far from being the aggressor, was being bullied and was 30 pounds lighter than McInerney. Prosecutors also contended McInerney embraced a white supremacist philosophy that sees homosexuality as an abomination. Police found Nazi-inspired drawings and artifacts at his house, and a white supremacist expert testified at trial the hate-filled ideology was the reason for the killing. Defense attorneys acknowledged McInerney was the shooter but explained he had reached an emotional breaking point after King made repeated, unwanted sexual advances. They also argued their client came from a violent upbringing and juvenile court would have been the best venue to try him. So sad…this boy deserves more than 21 years. Source

See the original post here:
Jesus Take The Wheel: White Supremacist Teenager Admits To Murking Gay Classmate, Sentenced 21 Years

Scarborough Justifies Decision Not to Talk about Gore Sexual Allegation on ‘Morning Joe’; Calls Topic ‘Unfair’

It’s already been documented that the media have, at least initially, ignored the allegation the global warming alarmist-in-chief and former Vice President Al Gore faced a sexual assault charge in 2006. But why? Although not know for its enlightening commentary, ABC’s June 24 broadcast of “The View” offered an answer for that question. Subbing a moderator for the show’s panel was MSNBC “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough, who explained their decision to ignore it was based on “insufficient evidence” despite the police report documenting the allegation. “This is an interesting story,” Scarborough said. “A 2006 police report surfaced of a masseuse claiming former Vice President Al Gore repeatedly attempted, quote, ‘unwanted sexual contact with her during a hotel room massage which lasted for three hours.’ Detectives found insufficient evidence to support the allegations, which leads to my question first, Joy. Should we be talking about it at all? This was in The Oregonian. We decided this morning not to talk about it on ‘Morning Joe’ because there was insufficient evidence. The Oregonian picked it up, then the National Enquirer. Everybody’s going to be talking about it. Should we?” Panelist Joy Behar, who also hosts a HLN primetime show said she suspected there was more to Al Gore’s marital problems than was initially let on. “I’ve been saying all along, though that there is something more to the breakup,” Behar said. “This is the ‘Tipper’ of the iceberg because I think that in fact the guy has a history now. I’m beginning to believe it.” But that wasn’t fair to Gore, who now apparently has a friend in Joe Scarborough. He disagreed with Behar’s assertion. “But we don’t know that,” Scarborough protested. “We’re piling on.” A little later, Scarborough labeled the entire story – that a former sitting vice president would be the subject of such “unfair” media scrutiny. “Let’s get back to Al Gore,” Scarborough said. “Really quickly though, I want to get back to what I think is the unfairness to Al Gore because those of us in New York know that there was a rumor on the front page of the New York Post last week – an unfounded, but a rumor that everybody in New York talked about. Now we’ve got another story out there in The Oregonian. Where there’s smoke, there’s not always fire.” Behar relented and conceded there was a degree of unfairness. “It’s not really fair to the guy,” Behar said. “I’m a comedian. I’m going to go for the joke no matter who it is. It’s not fair.”

See the article here:
Scarborough Justifies Decision Not to Talk about Gore Sexual Allegation on ‘Morning Joe’; Calls Topic ‘Unfair’