Ho Sit Down: Money Mitt And Lyin Ryan Are Still Thirstin’ For Votes On The Campaign Trail In Desperate Attempt To Sway Swing States

Mitt Romney And Paul Ryan Continue To Campaign While Americans Head To The Polls Election day is finally here and all that’s left for the candidates to do now is watch and wait…….unless you’re Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, who are still trailing behind in several key swing states. via MSNBC Showing the intensity of the race, which polls show as extremely close, Romney and his running mate Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin made last-minute Election Day appearances in two of the most hotly contested battlegrounds: Ohio and Pennsylvania. Ryan arrived midafternoon in Richmond, Va., for his last 2012 campaign appearance. Romney told supporters at a call center outside Pittsburgh that they “don’t need to be disparaging of the other guy. The president has run a strong campaign, I believe he is a good man and wish him well, and his family well. He is a good father and has been a good example of a good father, but it is time for a new direction. It is a time for a better tomorrow.” We’re no political experts, but isn’t it a little counterproductive to be drawing your supporters AWAY from the polls to come rally with you on election day? In that case, thirst on Mittens, thirst on.

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Ho Sit Down: Money Mitt And Lyin Ryan Are Still Thirstin’ For Votes On The Campaign Trail In Desperate Attempt To Sway Swing States

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