Ireland Baldwin is one of those self-produced models who you may remember from the various 17 year old girl in a bikini posts I’ve done on her over the course of the last year that she’s matters. We call them Instagram models, who use their camera phone and their last name to really get their 6 foot big body noticed enough to land a modelling agency, who will and does eat her up, because of her last name, the fact her dad left her evil voice mails when she was 9, and all the family connections from Bassinger to Baldwin, there’s a lot of people….Not to mention she gets hype from her bikini pics and has her own following starting, that you’d have to be an idiot not to sign her…I mean they sign 6 foot tall bitches just for being 6 foot tall, this one actually has some marketability to leverage…but as it turns out, selfies aren’t quite pro fashion shoots, and being 6 foot tall, doesn’t mean you aren’t as goofy as you’d expect to be, cuz this fashion shoot for Elle is pretty bad…I prefer seeing her grinding her Boyfriend on his paddle board half naked..but then again, that how I prefer seeing all girls..
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Ireland Bladwin Isn’t a Very Good Model of the Day