In case you were wondering…the Victoria’s Secret Fashion show that is going to be on TV in an hour long infomercial to get all the fat Americans brainwashed into buying Victoria’s Secret product for their fat wives this Christmas through the babes they have wearing the products…babes you all love…because that’s what they want you to do… And Izabel Goulart, Brazilian fit as fuck, amazing creature I would sing love songs to, if only there wasn’t a language barrier keeping our love from materializing, because you know it is our language is the only thing getting between us…the one thing preventing our genitals from being one – hoping I accidentally knock her up and not the fact that she’s a fit as fuck amazing Victoria’s Secret model…who gets hit up all day from top level humans…making her too cool for fat, drunk mexican dudes who run sleazy websites that 4 people read…in Canada…seriously… That said, here’s her working out prepping in ways that touch my soul…and by soul I mean penis…no wait that’s me touching my penis…but I blame this video.
The rest is here:
Izabel Goulart Workout Video for the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show of the Day