Jennifer Love Hewitt In Her Bikini of the Day

She’s older and rounder cuz t he rest of her body caught up with her tits that were once on a small frame you obsessed over. Her face is still average at best, a little more weather, a few new wrikles that represent broken dreams and failed relationships, but she’s still Jennifer Love, the huge bust you thought was the hottest thing in the 90s. The one you used to pretend you were married to when growing up watching Party of 5 before realizing you were gay and coming out of the closet, only to tape pictures of Joshua Jackson on your pillow instead of her, knowing the plight of the homosexual was far more difficult than that of a straight mans, making your dreams of being a princess at your wedding purely just fantasy, instead of the reality it coulda become if you stuck out with Jennifer Love, cuz bitch is probably pretty desperate, willing to marry anyone who still remembers her, and I for one remember her tits cuz they are all that was good about her, so I didn’t really need this flubbery reminder, but part of me is glad I got it. To See The Rest of the Pics – Follow This Link GO

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Jennifer Love Hewitt In Her Bikini of the Day

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