I am not a huge fan of Jessie Andrews….only because she’s blocked me on all social media, despite being friends with a lot of people I know…including her manager for her DJing who I have a pug connection with… I don’t watch porn, so I can’t really talk about her performances, other than that I know she’s doing her first Anal scene pretty soon. I don’t go to clubs, so I can’t really talk about her DJing, I just know you can fuck her on camera for less than booking her to DJ your party… I do know that she’s dialled into the “art” and “fashion” and “hipster” world…and that in doing that not only can she rock an awesome bush…the kind of bush I would let rub on my face because I love bush…and everyone or anyone who has ever read this site will know that…since day one I’ve loved it. I’m talking jerking off on hipster 20 year old bush since the fucking 80s…and I embrace that shit more than anyone I know…and I encourage every girl to grow out her bush… So I’m loving these…as much as I love the fact that Jessie Andrews has done the right media to encourage a new generation of girl to embrace her sexuality and fuck on camera…you know being the slut she wants to be – without worrying about social norms and pressures…it’s all very fucking liberating…and I get to see hipster bush in the process…thus a huge fan….
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Jessie Andrews Bush for Terry Richardson of the Day