This doesn’t sound like serving OR protecting… Texas Police Kill 72-Year-Old Man, Shot 6 Time In Mistaken Identity Case Via KHOU Kathy Waller never imagined that when Jerry Waller went to find out what was causing a ruckus outside their garage early Tuesday morning, it would be the last time she would see her 72-year-old husband alive. “Married 46 years, and then somebody gets a little trigger-happy and away they go,” she told News 8. Fort Worth police said the shooter was one of their own. Officers were responding to a burglar alarm off North Havenwood Lane when they ended up on the Waller’s property. Police documents indicate the officers were supposed to be responding to a home across the street. Police spokeswoman Cpl. Tracey Knight wouldn’t go into much detail about what led up to the shooting, saying only that “officers felt threatened” by Jerry Waller. He was carrying a .38-caliber handgun, but police won’t say if he pointed it at officers, or even if he ever left his own garage. Wrong guy, wrong house, BIG lawsuit. The two officers involved in the fatal shooting have been placed on administrative leave, which is standard procedure. “Considering the gravity of the situation, we wanted the public to know that we know that somebody lost their life today,” Knight said. She stressed an internal investigation into what happened will be “transparent.” Kathy Waller said her husband had been shot six times. She said from what she could tell, he never left the garage. She said he was only carrying the gun because they weren’t sure if someone was trying to break into a car in the driveway. “He is 72… why just shoot him?” she asked. Somebody has some serious ‘splainin’ to do… Says Mr. Waller’s widow: “He would give you the shirt off his back, and he was loving, and he was a wonderful husband,” Mrs. Waller said. “I miss him dearly.” This poor, poor woman. F*** the police. SMH R.I.P. Jerry Waller. Image via Waller Family
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Jesus Take The Wheel: Trigger-Happy Texas Cops Shoot 72-Year-Old Man Mistaken For Burglar 6 Times When They Search Wrong House!