#JusticeForMikeBrown: Hacker Group “Anonymous” Releases Ferguson, St. Louis Police Dispatch Audio To Public [LISTEN]

The hackers have really been delivering on their promise to expose the Ferguson PD … St. Louis County Dispatch Tapes From Day Of Mike Brown Killing Released A vigilante hacker group simply titled “Anonymous” has been working to unearth the truth Ferguson, MO officials are seeking to hide in the wake of the police shooting death of unarmed teen Mike Brown. Their latest discovery is St. Louis county Police and Emergency dispatch tapes from the day Brown was killed. They paint a tragic picture of how dismissive the authorities were about the shooting. Via their video description: We are Anonymous. These files compiled in this video contains audio of St. Louis police dispatch from the date of August 9th 2014, the day Mike Brown was murdered by a Ferguson PD officer. We have released these tapes to the public so as they are able to get a sense of the atmosphere the moments before and the hours after Mike Brown was shot. These raw audio files have been compiled and long quiet moments have been cut down. Time stamps are available within the video. Incident begins at around noon..(9:08 time stamp) ST. LOUIS COUNTY POLICE DISPATCH AUDIO TAPES, AUGUST 9TH 2014 11:05 AM – 6:05 PM, INCIDENT IS REPORTED AS “CROWD CONTROL PROBLEM” AT 12:05PM, NO SHOOTING MENTIONED UNTIL IT IS CALLED IN TO DISPATCH BY WITNESS. FERGUSON PD DENIES IT KNEW ANYTHING AT THAT TIME. NO EMS WAS CALLED. It’s pretty long (nearly two hours of audio) but at around the 11:26 time mark, you can hear the dispatcher being confused about an alleged shooting she is hearing about on the news that Ferguson PD is reporting no knowledge of. You can take a listen here: It’s a little chilling to know that the cops 1. didn’t bother to report the incident as it occurred and 2. never even attempted to have EMS come attend to Brown at all. YouTube

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#JusticeForMikeBrown: Hacker Group “Anonymous” Releases Ferguson, St. Louis Police Dispatch Audio To Public [LISTEN]

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