My name is Jenna and on Friday November 18 at about 5:50 PM, I met Justin Bieber. My mom, sister and I left our house at about 4:00 in the morning to go to NYC to try and find Justin. We met my sister’s friend Giovanna in the city. It was really cold outside but none of us cared. The first place we went was Hot 97 radio station because we knew he was supposed to be on that day. When we got there, we did not see any other fans so we thought that was weird. We asked someone who was working in the lobby of the building and they told us that Justin had been there the day before . He pre-taped the radio interview! I was so disappointed but my mom said that he might go to the last Regis show. We took a cab and went up to where The Regis show was being filmed. We stood outside in the cold for a few hours and saw a lot of famous people arrive but not Justin. I was disappointed again but I didn’t want to give up. We decided to go to the Empire State Building because Justin had said in an interview that he would be doing the lighting ceremony at the there. We got there and found out that there was a ceremony going on in the lobby at 2:00pm. We waited outside in the cold for hours. We were all tired, cold and hungry but we waited because we didn’t want to miss him. At about 2:00 we saw 4 black trucks pull up in front of the Empire State Building and we knew it was him! He arrived from a side entrance and there were no other fans around. We ran towards the door and just as we got there, about 50 people came out of nowhere. When Justin came out of the truck, his security surrounded him and he went straight into the building. We barely even saw him. He did not stop for anyone. I was so sad and I wanted to go home because I was so tired and cold. We were out since 4:00 in the morning. But my mom said we should try one more radio station- Sirius. We took another cab up to Sirius radio and we went in from the North entrance. Once we got inside, we went down the escalator to go get something to eat downstairs. We ate for 10 minutes and then we went back upstairs. For some reason, my sister’s friend said that we should take the escalator up to the South side of the building. I don’t know why she said that but I am so happy that she did. We went to stand in the lobby near the glass doors on the south side of the building. We put our stuff down and were so happy to finally be indoors in a warm place. Just as we put our stuff down, Justin and his mom and a few security guards walked in! I couldn’t believe it. We were the only people in the lobby. There were no other fans there! There were no papparazzi! And Justin walked in! But secruity stood in front of us and Justin was walking past us. I was so upset because I didn’t think he would stop. As he was walking by my mom said, “Justin we’ve been looking for you since 4 am. How about taking a picture with my daughter?” He looked at us and said “I will be back down. I promise. I promise.” And he got into the elevator and went up. I was so happy he even talked to us. We waited for about an hour and a half and there were no fans there. No one knew he was even here. After an hour and a half, we saw his truck pull up to the glass doors in front of the building so we knew he was coming down. I got my camera ready and stared at the elevator. All of a sudden the doors open and Jaden Smith and Justin Bieber walked out! There was no one else there. His security surrounded him and started walking towards the glass doors we were standing near. Out of nowhere, people started coming in off the street with cameras and people were screaming, “Justin Justin”! They were not fans but older people. I have no idea why they knew he was coming down. So Justin is walking and not really stopping for anyone so I thought he is not going to stop for me! I was so upset. But then I heard Justin say, “Over there” and they all start walking towards us. All of a sudden, the security guards separated and Justin Bieber was standing in front of us. He said to my mom, “I told you I was coming back right?” My mom said, “Yes you did, thank you.” Then he bends down and looks at me and says, “I hear you’ve been looking for me all day. Thank you so much.” And he tells me to come to him. So I walk towards him and he said, “Thank you” again and then he kisses me on the cheek!!!! My mom said “OMG, I didn’t get a picture of that.” So Justin said, “It’s okay we can do it again” and he kisses me on the cheek again and this time, he does it for about 30 seconds and makes a noise like MMMMMM when he is kissing me! My mom took the picture and then my mom said to me, “Jenna, what do you want to give Justin?” So I hugged him and he said “No no” and he points to his cheek and tells me to give him a kiss. So I kissed him back!! Then he hugged me and we took a few more pictures. Then I asked him to autograph the purple ticket I had saved from his movie and he said to me and my mom, “You waited for me all day so I will sign anything you want. I will take as many pictures as you want. You waited all day for me so now I have time for you.” I could not believe what I was hearing. Then Justin and my mom started having a conversation about where we live and he was telling my mom that he was not feeling that well and he was telling us what he did all week and how tired he was. We were having a normal conversation with Justin Bieber. There were people all around us yelling, “Justin Justin” but he ignored them. His security made sure no one came near us. We were all alone with him for about 10 minutes. I thought I was going to faint. If my mom didn’t take pictures, I wouldn’t believe it actually happened to me. I thought it was a dream. He took pictures with my sister and her friend. He autographed a few things for us and he talked to us like he knew us. Then he asked us if he could do anything else. All I wanted was a picture and I got so much more! I was so happy I couldn’t say anything else. My mom thanked him so much and we gave him hugs and then his security surrounded him and walked him out the door and into his truck. I could not believe what happened to me. I never thought in a million years he would talk to me like that, or kiss me, or ask for a kiss back. It was the best day of my life. And it is true – Never say never!!! -@ Jennabieber0301 View original post here: My name is Jenna and on Friday November 18 at about 5:50 PM, I…
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My name is Jenna and on Friday November 18 at about 5:50 PM, I…