My name is Shawn and I’m a typical 17 year old girl from a small town in West Michigan. Wow, I can’t believe I’m finally writing an MBE. This is CRAZY! I used to be the girl that sat behind her computer screen and read these Bieber experiences, wondering if it would ever be my turn to meet Justin. I have to admit, reading these always depressed me because I would get so jealous and frustrated. I thought my day would never come around. But it finally did on November 21st 2012 in Detroit, Michigan! My story started back in May 2012 when I bought Believe tour tickets through the BieberFever pre-sale. I found out Justin would be here in 6 months on my best friend Raina’s birthday! She literally cried when I told her about it at school. I bought the yearly membership so I would be able to keep an eye out for any meet & greet contests. Around September, they announced the BieberFever Best Collection contest. I got super excited/anxious because I knew all about disappointment and I hated the thought of getting my hopes up only to be let down. I figured that I couldn’t win if I never took a shot. My friend and I spent about an hour setting up all my Bieber stuff so we could take a pic and send it in. I prayed every single night that I could be one of the lucky ten winners. I became so obsessed with this contest and thinking about the concert that my grades started to drop. I couldn’t focus in school. Basically, my life was falling apart. I cried, then prayed, then cried and prayed and hoped some more. On November 20th, the day before the concert, was the most nerve wracking day of my life. I continually checked my email every 5 minutes and when it got around 5:00 p.m., I got nervous. No email yet. I was tweeting everyone and checking in with my Michigan Beliebers in our Facebook group to see if anyone had received an email. I was trying to prepare myself for tomorrow, whether I won or not. At 6:30 p.m. a girl in our FB group posted that she had won. I went straight to my email, refreshed the page, and right before my very eyes, I saw a reply from BieberFever . I clicked on it and screamed so loud that I scared my entire family. I bawled for at least a half hour. Once I could finally compose myself, I called my best friend and told her the best news that any girl wants to hear the day before their birthday. Not only were we seeing Justin the next day, but we were gonna meet him too! So of course, I got zero sleep that night. My friend came over in the morning and we got ourselves ready for a 2 hour drive to Detroit. My mom and her boyfriend drove us down there. It ended up turning into a 4 hour drive because we were stuck in a traffic jam for 30 minutes. Those were the scariest 30 minutes of my life. I felt all my hopes and dreams slipping away as I sobbed in the backseat. I couldn’t bear the thought of missing the meet & greet. Fast forward to when we finally got to the arena. My friend and I jumped out of the car and ran to the box office to pick up our meet & greets. It was past 4:30 which is when we were told the meet & greet was gonna start. I was flipping out, thinking I had missed it. As soon as we got in line, we ended up waiting an hour and a half because Justin was running late. We met these two other 8 th graders in line and decided to group up with them. When we were in line, we saw Alfredo and all these girls swarmed him so I couldn’t get a pic with him. Finally, the line started moving and my heart was pounding with excitement. It felt like they led us through a maze. We went down at least 3 flights of stairs. I saw Alfredo again as he was coming down the stairs. I yelled “I love you, Fredo!” and he waved to me! It made my night. They kept leading us through all these back hallways and shit. My mind kept screaming, WHERE’S JUSTIN?! Finally, we got to a door and this guy stopped us, saying groups of six but since we were towards the back of the line, he let us in with just us four. Once they pulled back the infamous black curtain, there are no words to describe how I felt. I could hardly catch my breath. It was as if the light from heaven was shining down on Justin. His face was flawless like porcelain, so clean and beautiful and his hair looked amazing. He said hi and moved us all in for a picture. Alfredo was standing next to the photographer and he watched us get our pic taken and he smiled straight at me. He is the cutest (Love you, Fredo!). Justin and I touched arms as he had his arm around my friend. After our pic, he told my friend “happy birthday,” then security basically pushed us out as I was still shouting “I love you, Justin!” to him. I don’t even know if he saw me or heard me, but still. Once we got out, I started shaking and sobbing because everything was so perfect. It was absolutely a dream come true. I never got to thank him in person, but I’m gonna take this moment to do that. Justin, if you ever read this, thank you so much for that night. My life is absolutely made. You were right, Justin. Never give up on your dreams. They really do come true. See the original post: My name is Shawn and I’m a typical 17 year old girl from a small…
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My name is Shawn and I’m a typical 17 year old girl from a small…