My name is Melanie and I have been a belieber for almost 2 years…

My name is Melanie and I have been a belieber for almost 2 years ,  I’m  14 right now. I heard that  Justin  was going to be rehearsing in a studio for the Believe Tour and that there was some girls that were going to be outside waiting for him. I saw so many pictures online of Justin with fans so I knew I had to go! It was really hard to find the studio, but I found a girl on Twitter that helped me. I went to the studio on August 18. My sister and I got there around 11am and we waited about 5 hours for him. I had fun and talked to other girls that had been there before, so it was nice. Not in a million years did I think I would meet  Justin  Bieber! When his van came in, everyone was like OMG! Around 4 or 5, Kenny came out of the lot in his car and everyone yelled and said hi and he waved back. Everyone was getting tired around 5:30 and about 3 girls left. Finally someone came out and said “Ok everyone, Justin will be out right now! No screaming, yelling, or running or he will leave.” Two minutes later I saw his ‘H” hat and blonde hair. When you see him you get the rush of excitement and I was out of words. Finally he got closer and I hugged him and he put his arm around me and we took a picture. Then Moshe told all the girls who already took a picture to go to the side and wait. After 5 minutes he left and said bye. I was still in shock the whole way home, I’ll never forget that day. -@bieberbabe059 Read more here: My name is Melanie and I have been a belieber for almost 2 years…

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My name is Melanie and I have been a belieber for almost 2 years…

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