My name is Nicole and this is My Bieber Experience. I live in Buffalo, New York. My sister went to a concert that one of the local radio stations in our town was holding with a bunch of different celebrities near Christmas time. She came home, and I asked her if Justin Bieber was there. She said no, but they did play a video of him talking, but she didn’t remember exactly what he said, so I looked it up on YouTube. Sure enough, I found the video. He was in his turquoise shirt, hat and dog tag necklace, explaining about how there was going to be a contest. It was called School Spirit 2010 . It was a contest between all of the middle & high schools in our district. There were around 57 schools, so it was going to be a tough contest. Each school had to raise money for Woman’s and Children’s Hospital. Whichever school raised the most money, got to have a private concert with Justin Bieber at their school. Easy right? But that’s where you’re wrong. Yes, we had to raise money….but all in PENNIES . Once I knew about it, I had a huge doubt that my school would win. A month passed by and I completely forgot about the whole contest, but one day in school, the principal came over the announcements and talked about the contest. I was pretty surprised that people were excited and wanted to participate. Well, at least the girls. Once everyone heard about it, people were bringing pennies in like a storm. We had to drop them off in one classroom and there were buckets and buckets and buckets full of pennies. I was so shocked! Every Friday night, at 9:00pm, the DJ on the radio station would keep a countdown of who was in what place so far. Surprisingly, my school and 4 other schools, kept switching places in the TOP 5 . This continued for the whole contest. The only way we could bring us up more was to have more people bring in more pennies. We tried convincing most of the boys to join in and luckily, they did. Finally, we made it to that special Friday night. The night where the DJ would announce who won the contest for Justin Bieber to perform at their school . I sat next to the computer, listening with my mom, holding my lucky shirt, crossing my fingers, and squeezing my mom’s hand. The DJ made it down to the top 3. We still didn’t hear our school’s name yet, so we were getting really excited. Luckily, we weren’t in third place. He paused in silence. My heart was beating fast. I could feel myself burning up. And guess what?! We weren’t in second…. WE CAME IN FIRST PLACE! I screamed so loud and started dancing around like an idiot. I called all of my friends and we screamed on the phone together. It came to Monday and I went to school. They were playing Justin’s My World CD over the intercom! They congratulated us and told us when the concert would be taken place on. We waited another whole month and it was finally that time. April 15th, 2010 . I was so excited in the morning that when I was holding my cereal bowl, the milk and spoon were flying everywhere because I was shaking so much. Justin couldn’t come to our school though because his manager preferred somewhere with a stage, so we were going to one of the local theaters. We all hopped on the buses and drove there. Sadly, my homeroom wasn’t in the front row, but we were seated in the 12th row. It was a small theater, so I didn’t end up caring at all. Just to be this close was going to be such an amazing thing. We all waited in the audience and sang different songs until the DJ walked on stage. He got us all excited and then it was that special time. He slowly screamed “ HERE HE IS, JUSTIN BIEBEEERRRRR!!! ” The curtains opened and there was Dan Kanter sitting on a stool with his guitar on the right, and Kenny Hamilton sitting on another stool next to him on the left. Kenny started singing a little bit of One Time and stopped. He said, “Oh ya’ll aren’t here to see me, huh? Well how bout him?” Kenny moved out of the way and Justin came around from the behind the stool where he was hiding behind him. Justin was dressed in all black and he looked cute as ever. The screams got so loud right then and there. I couldn’t believe anything. I felt like I was dreaming. Like there was no way that THE Justin Bieber was performing for MY school. He sang ‘One Time’ and then got to ‘Never Let You Go’. At that time, everything felt amazing. Nothing in the world could make me anymore happier. As he began singing, we actually made eye to eye contact. I was staring into his eyes for a long time and we both smiled at eachother. My heart was beating extremely fast like it was about to explode. I felt like I was floating on a cloud. He sang a few more songs and then it was time for him to go. When I went home, I saw that Oprah, and many of the news channels, were talking about my school. It was the best day of my life! I will NEVER forget that day. It’s gonna be stuck in my head for the longest time. Thank you Justin, for a dream come true. -@EpicBieberCrew Link: My name is Nicole and this is My Bieber Experience. I live in…
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My name is Nicole and this is My Bieber Experience. I live in…