Wheatley Hall is a coming to age film about a select group of college students all connected to Sydney and Brian .Wheatley Hall in the feature length will be a modern day SCHOOL DAZE with a musical twist! Sydney who is a 18 year old girl who chooses to travel to the east coast to pursue her dream of dance. In the trailer she gets in a agrument with her father about her deciding not to go to a community college. She narrates the trailer to show the viewers the world through her eyes. Brian is a FRAT boy who has the school in the palm of his hand. Not only does faculty and staff praise him but so does the rest of the city. The trailer will show how Sydney and Brian’s world meet. It also shows how Claudia deals with finding out she is expecting and learning Brian is expecting her to have a abortion.
New Film “Wheatley Hall” About Group Of College Friends: Is That Jonesy? [Video]
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