There is a special place in hell for folks like this . Family Lived With Dead Body How do you live with the smell of a rotting body? Wouldn’t the odor knock you out? Eww. According to WFTV: The Holly Hill Police Department has arrested two people after a family was found living in a home where a decomposing body was found on Thursday. The Department of Children and Families contacted Holly Hill police to request a well-being check at a home on Center Avenue after it had been unable to contact its client since early September. Officers forced entry to the home and found the body of 33-year-old Tiffany Cain in advanced stages of decomposition lying in a bedroom. Authorities believe Cain had been dead for at least two weeks. Within minutes of the discovery, officers said they found Todd Christopher La Duke, 38, and Nicole Louise Scalise, 32, along with a 4-year-old child, in a room directly across the hall from where the body was. It was later determined that La Duke and Scalise had two other children — ages 6 and 11 — also living in the home, but both were in school at the time. In addition, investigators discovered large amounts of dog feces and urine in the home, along with evidence of drug abuse. Authorities said the family had been living in deplorable conditions for months. Disgusting! Police said La Duke and Scalise admitted to using the dead woman’s EBT and Social Security benefits, and investigators believe the pair continued to exploit the woman’s benefits after her death. “This is perhaps the worst case of child endangerment I’ve seen in my 30 years in law enforcement. Disgusting,” said Holly Hill Police Chief Mark Barker. “(Cain) had lived at the residence for several years. She was receiving social services from DCF and it was that agency that notified us and requested the well-being check,” said Barker. Authorities said Cain suffered from spina bifida and was confined to a wheelchair. Investigators said La Duke and Scalise admitted to using Cain’s benefits for some time. La Duke and Scalise are being held in the Volusia County Jail on charges of child neglect and failure to report a death to the medical examiner. La Duke was also charged with theft of utility services for illegally connecting electrical and water service to the residence. The children are in the care of DCF. “We are fortunate that these children have been removed, are in a safe place today and that these individuals have been brought to justice,” said Barker. Cain’s death was a result of natural causes, but police are continuing to investigate. Living in feces and urine…makes our stomachs turn. Volusia County Sheriff
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People Ain’t Isht: Couple Lives With Dead Woman’s Body And Cashes Her Food Stamps And Social Security Benefits