These guys… Pizza mogul Herman Cain shocked pundits to win an early test vote in Florida, beating GOP frontrunners Rick Perry and Mitt Romney. Despite Perry buying hundreds of activists breakfasts on the sidelines before heading to Michigan, he came in second with only 15.4 per cent of the vote. Cain, who owns Godfather’s Pizza, captured 37.1 percent of the vote at Saturday’s Presidency 5 straw poll in Orlando, with Texas Governor Rick Perry coming in second with 15.4 percent. Mitt Romney came in third with 14 percent and Rick Santorum followed with 10.88 percent. While all declared candidates were on the ballot, the first-tier candidates did not compete. Perry bought hundreds of activists’ breakfasts on the sidelines before heading to Michigan. Romney and U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota both left Florida before the voting began and their campaigns discounted the straw poll’s role in the campaign. Bachmann finished eighth with 1.51 percent in the straw poll. The results were unlikely to shuffle the campaign’s standings. Instead, they were mostly a popularity contest among the delegates selected by local party organisations. But previous straw polls have predicted the Republican nominee. Ronald Reagan won in 1979, George H.W. Bush in 1987 and Kansas Senator Bob Dole in 1995. The Republican Party of Florida, however, has not organized the test vote in recent years. As much as we hope this doesn’t mean Herman Cain is gonna be the Republican Party’s candidate, it does make for a funny Rick Perry story. Source