So sad. Siblings Suffocate After Locking Themselves In Trunk Their death could have been prevented with proper supervision. According to Boston Globe: Dawn Powers carried a bouquet of flowers in her hands today when she walked up to the Chestnut Street home where two young siblings died Sunday when they locked themselves inside a hope chest. Powers said her daughter was a frequent playmate of 8-year-old Lexi Munroe, who was killed, along with her brother, Sean, 7, in what authorities believe was a stunning, tragic accident. “Two of the nicest kids,’’ said Powers, who said she was emotionally drained by the sudden loss of two children from her neighborhood. “It’s just devastating.’’ Norfolk District Attorney Michael Morrissey said the children were found inside a chest made by Lane Furniture of Virginia and that the chest was in a child’s bedroom in the split-entry home. “It has some type of locking mechanism that did not have the ability to be unlocked from the inside,’’ said Morrissey, adding the family were not the original buyers of the chest. “It was bought used.’’ Lane Furniture recalled 12 million chests in 1996 with lids that automatically latched shut when closed. The poor parents are probably blaming themselves for not getting rid of that recalled trunk. Prayers go out to them. Shutterstock
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R.I.P: Brother And Sister Suffocate After Locking Themselves In Trunk While Playing