Republicans Support Strip Clubs on Ground Zero Sacred Ground

While the Constitution forbids prohibiting a mosque from being built blocks away from ground zero (“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”), Republicans are salivating at the prospect of ignoring the constitution (again) and using this for political hay. Apparently, the Family Values Party is not concerned with the strip clubs (like New York Dolls) that surround hallowed ground (after all, we all know that Hooters is a family restaurant and Fox News is not conservative day time porn), because nothing says Christian Values and Apple Pie like a strip club. Yes, we will fight for our rights to strip but you can take your religious freedom, the very thing this country was founded on, and shove it! Hey, if you don’t like strip clubs, we have the Ground Zero Trashy Lingerie store. Or if you’re really feeling crummy about your inability to stir up religious hate, you can wander over to the Pussycat Lounge, described as “the place strippers go to die” and just blocks from so called Hallowed Ground, we can call this Ground Zero-Ish Strip Club. You can Google map the area and find the strip clubs the same distance from Ground Zero as the proposed community center (and – cue scary music- MOSQUE) named the Cordoba House. added by: toyotabedzrock

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