Tag Archives: cordoba

Defending Religious Freedom in America

Please come forward in support of America and our First Amendment by donating to the Cordoba Initiative, the non-profit organization proposing an Islamic community center in lower Manhattan. Let's show the world that the majority of Americans are committed to defending a right to religious freedom for all. It only takes $1 to answer Michael Moore's “call to help” and raise the money required to out bid Donald Trump. If we band together it will be impossible to ignore our outrage at this unacceptable display of corporate power undermining our inalienable rights as Americans. added by: shirebay

Newsweek’s Alter Distorts Gingrich’s Ground Zero Mosque Opposition

You can agree or disagree about former Speak of the House Newt Gingrich’s view on the Ground Zero mosque, but is it fair to vilify him with a false characterization of his views? Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter had a peculiar take on Gingrich’s point of view during a Sept. 13 appearance on Fox Business Network’s “Imus in the Morning.” He expressed his frustrations with the attacks on Islam, as it pertains to public discourse with not only the Ground Zero mosque, but also the idea of people burning Qurans, which has garnered a fair amount of attention from the left-of-center media . “[I]t’s insane,” Alter said. “And what are we supposed to have, a war with a billion people? So, this is out of control. And, it’s kicked off something pretty ugly.” But one of the lynchpins of his frustration were comments from Gingrich , which Alter took some liberties with his interpretation of the former House Speaker’s sentiments. “And when you have people like Newt Gingrich, I think, my big takeaway from this is that he’s just completely destroyed any — the last shred of legitimacy he had to comment about anything. My favorite line by Gingrich is he said, ‘You know, when Saudi Arabia allows us to build churches and synagogues there, then we’ll put mosques in the United States, and until then, other mosques should close, too.” But Gingrich’s statement about the mosque referred specifically to the Ground Zero mosque, not all mosques in the United States. He elaborated, “If the people behind the Cordoba House were serious about religious toleration, they would be imploring the Saudis, as fellow Muslims, to immediately open up Mecca to all and immediately announce their intention to allow non-Muslim houses of worship in the Kingdom.”

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Newsweek’s Alter Distorts Gingrich’s Ground Zero Mosque Opposition

Who did 9/11 – Osama bin Laden, Bush Or Mossad? Israel’s role in 9/11

Over three hours of mainstream documentation of Israel's involvement in the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. Mark Dankof and Nashid Abdul Khaaliq join the program as we discuss the “anomolies” surrounding the act of war against America that took the lives of 3,000 people on September 11 and more importantly Israel's role in bringing this all about which led to the war on terror. This issue is not going to go away any time soon so deal with it. Israel played a central role in the attacks of 9/11, and all of the evidence suggests that Israelis, not Muslim cave dwellers. carried out the attacks, and then used the media and US government to pin the blame on the entire Arab Muslim population of the world. This is being covered up by the mainstream media's inventing contoversies like the Ground Zero the Cordoba Initiative, and the Koran burning pastor who is a complete nobody, yet is given top billing on the nightly news. . added by: maasanova

Republicans Support Strip Clubs on Ground Zero Sacred Ground

While the Constitution forbids prohibiting a mosque from being built blocks away from ground zero (“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”), Republicans are salivating at the prospect of ignoring the constitution (again) and using this for political hay. Apparently, the Family Values Party is not concerned with the strip clubs (like New York Dolls) that surround hallowed ground (after all, we all know that Hooters is a family restaurant and Fox News is not conservative day time porn), because nothing says Christian Values and Apple Pie like a strip club. Yes, we will fight for our rights to strip but you can take your religious freedom, the very thing this country was founded on, and shove it! Hey, if you don’t like strip clubs, we have the Ground Zero Trashy Lingerie store. Or if you’re really feeling crummy about your inability to stir up religious hate, you can wander over to the Pussycat Lounge, described as “the place strippers go to die” and just blocks from so called Hallowed Ground, we can call this Ground Zero-Ish Strip Club. You can Google map the area and find the strip clubs the same distance from Ground Zero as the proposed community center (and – cue scary music- MOSQUE) named the Cordoba House. added by: toyotabedzrock

Are Slutty woman are healthy and happier ?

Unprotected sex and lots of encounters maybe a healthy habit . http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5263250 added by: notyourbabiesdaddy

Fox News co-owner funded ‘Ground Zero mosque’ imam: report

The second largest shareholder in News Corp. — the parent company of Fox News — has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to causes linked to the imam planning to build a Muslim community center and mosque near Ground Zero in Manhattan, says a report from Yahoo!News. According to the report from Yahoo!'s John Cook, Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, who owns seven percent of News Corp., “has directly funded [Imam Feisal Abdul] Rauf's projects to the tune of more than $300,000.” Cook reports that Prince Al-Waleed's personal charity, the Kingdom Foundation, donated $305,000 to Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow, a project sponsored by two of Rauf's initiatives, the American Society for Muslim Advancement and the Cordoba Initiative, which is building the Manhattan mosque. That Fox News' second-largest shareholder, after Rupert Murdoch, has financial links to the “Ground Zero mosque” will be seen as ironic by critics of the news network, who have watched with chagrin as the network's talking heads attempt to link the mosque to radical Islamism. Last week, Daily Show host Jon Stewart lambasted Fox panelist Eric Bolling's attempt to link the Cordoba Initiative to Hamas and Iran. Stewart used News Corp.'s connections to Prince Al-Waleed, and the prince's connections to the Carlyle Group and Osama bin Laden to make a tongue-in-cheek argument that Fox News may be a “terrorist command center.” “Stewart didn't need to take all those steps to make the connection,” Cook writes. Cook also reports that Prince Al-Waleed has in the past funded a number of Islamic organizations that have been maligned by Fox News commentators: Al-Waleed donated $500,000 to the Council on American-Islamic Relations — which has been repeatedly denounced on Fox News's air by Geller and others as a terror group — in 2002. Indeed, Rauf's “numerous ties to CAIR” alone have been cited by the mosque's opponents as a justification for imputing terrorist sympathies to him, yet few people seem to be asking whether Murdoch's extensive multi-billion business collaboration with the man who funds both Rauf and CAIR merits investigation or concern. Other beneficiaries of Al-Waleed's largess include the Islamic Development Bank, a project designed to “foster the economic development and social progress of [Muslims] in accordance with the principles of Shari'ah.” The IDB funds the construction of mosques around the world, and has been implicated by frequent Fox News guest Stephen Schwartz in an attempt to spread radical Wahhabism (a fundamentalist branch of Islam) throughout the United States. Cook notes that it was none other than News Corp.'s New York Post that reported on Prince Al-Waleed's donation to Muslim Leaders of Tomorrow. He reports that Fox News had no comment for his article, and emails to the prince's Kingdom Foundation were not returned. Prince Al-Waleed owns an estimated $2.5-billion-worth of News Corp. Majority shareholder Rupert Murdoch recently took a stake in the prince's Middle East-based media conglomerate, Rotana Group. Murdoch and Prince Al-Waleed are reportedly working on launching an Arabic news network that will compete with existing pan-Arabic networks Al-Jazeera and Al-Arabiya. added by: im1mjrpain

UK Cops: Local Weed Sucks, Comparatively Speaking

A report by the Association of Chief Police Officers in Britain concluded that marijuana is being grown on a massive scale in the country, but that “UK-produced skunk is of a lower quality than varieties available on the continent.” Ouch. http://gawker.com/5614675/uk-government-our-weed-sucks-compared-to-everywhere-el… added by: JackHerer

In Support of Terrorism…State Dept helping Imam Rauf build sharia mosque at Ground Zero?

All religions should be kept out of government. Yet the Muslim Brotherhood has secretly worked here for five decades to destroy America from within. They advocate sharia law which, in Islamic countries: stones to death 14-year old girls and old women for “adultery,” flogs un-married couples found together un-chaperoned; excuses gangs that rape “immodest” women; tortures gays and hangs them from light poles; dismembers apostates; cuts the heads off those who speak against the Koran’s war-mongering and discriminatory passages; and levies a ‘devalue-added’ tax against all non-Muslims. They want religious freedom eliminated from this good earth in the name of Allah and America is their prime target. Islam should not lord over where sharia-complying Muslims committed genocide and brave American heroes fell. When Imam Rauf denounces da’wah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, political Islam, sharia, and 1400-year old hate-speech, I’ll bring my shovel and help break ground for his Cordoba House. Barring that, Rauf should stick his House of Da’wah in an Islamic-governed nation, but not anywhere in America where the light of liberty still shines. http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2010/07/16/state-dept-helping-imam-rauf-buil… added by: congoboy

-Ground Zero: NY Says No to Rebuilding a Church Destroyed on 9/11 but Yes to the Mosque?

The ‘Ground Zero Mosque’ controversy keeps on going. President Obama weighed in over the weekend with a few comments that hit the fan so to speak. One observation he made is that Islam should be treated just like any other religion in America and I totally agree. In a previous post I commented that I believed that NY was giving preferential treatment to the Cordoba Mosque project and that I really doubted that a church would ever approved by the city to be built at the same location as the so-called ‘Ground Zero Mosque’. Turns out that I was entirely correct. St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church which stood across the street from the World Trade center was reduced to dust on September 11, 2001. For 9 years the NY Port Authority has refused to let them rebuild their church—a church that was actually destroyed in the attack but plans for a new mosque are approved by the city? It is my view that St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church should be rebuilt. The President talked about private property rights and that the Muslims should be allowed to build on their own property near ‘Ground Zero’. Well, what about the property rights of the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church? The church had been there since 1922 but their rights are being totally disregarded. The church that was destroyed in the 9/11 attacks should be rebuilt first before any new project like the Cordoba Mosque is considered. It is obvious to me that the Muslims in this case are receiving better treatment from the city than the church. Here’s an article written by George Demos who is running for Congress in that very area about the Church and the Mosque: “Rebuild the Church at Ground Zero, Not the Mosque” http://answersforthefaith.com/2010/08/17/ground-zero-ny-says-no-to-rebuilding-a-… added by: congoboy

Why Are the Intolerant Preaching Tolerance?

So the other night I announced plans to build a gay bar catering to Islamic men, near the proposed mosque site near Ground Zero. The goal? To echo the mosque’s own website, which says it’s trying to promote integration and tolerance. I figured, I could return the favor, by opening a gay bar. After all, Islam despises homosexuality – and this Muslim-friendly gay bar would help mend fences. Right now the working name of the bar is Heaven and Halal. It will be two floors – one serving Hallel food, and other other serving cocktails. There will be 72 of them. And they will be virgin. So here’s an update, since last night. Now, I’ve scoped out some properties. And, I’ve received countless inquiries regarding investment, folks who have offered up to six figures. But because some of them were drunk, they may have placed the decimal point in the wrong place. I also contacted the Cordoba House, the folks behind the mosque – but they have not returned my calls. So I tweeted them. Here’s what they tweeted back. You’re free to open whatever you like. If you won’t consider the sensibilities of Muslims, you’re not going to build dialog. By the way, I’m not building dialog, I’m building a bar. And as for the sensibilities of Muslims – which involves homophobia – thats not for me. And that’s my point – its weird being educated in tolerance by an incredibly intolerant ideology. As long as gays and women are treated so poorly, how can they teach us compassion and generosity? Anyway, I will keep you all up to date on the progress – and for more info, always come here. If you don’t you’re probably a racist homophobe. Crossposted at Big Hollywood

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Why Are the Intolerant Preaching Tolerance?