Tag Archives: religious-right

Paul Cameron Suggests Obama is Gay and Demands Gays be Imprisoned before they Rape Kids


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Paul Cameron of the Family Research Institute is an “expert” cited by groups like the Family Research Council , Concerned Women for America and the American Family Association , among others in the Religious Right . While his claims have been consistently discredited , Cameron is still a favorite of opponents of gay rights and appeared last week on Crosstalk with Jim Schneider of VCY America (Voice… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Right Wing Watch Discovery Date : 14/05/2012 19:59 Number of articles : 2

Paul Cameron Suggests Obama is Gay and Demands Gays be Imprisoned before they Rape Kids

Fischer Calls Out Romney: ‘How Is He Going to Stand Up to North Korea if He Can Be Pushed around by a Yokel Like Me?’



American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer poked fun at Mitt Romney today on Focal Point following the resignation of Richard Grenell, an openly gay Romney spokesman on security issues who Fischer and other Religious Right leaders wanted ousted from the campaign. Anti-gay activists celebrated news of Grenell’s resignation as a “ huge win ,” and the New York Times reported that one Republican… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Right Wing Watch Discovery Date : 04/05/2012 22:58 Number of articles : 2

Fischer Calls Out Romney: ‘How Is He Going to Stand Up to North Korea if He Can Be Pushed around by a Yokel Like Me?’

WATCH: Did Christina Aguilera Snub Justin Bieber on The Voice?


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Did Christina Aguilera diss Justin Bieber on “The Voice”? That’s the big buzz after Tuesday’s show, where The Biebs previewed “Boyfriend” and talked about his upcoming album Believe . Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Gossip Cop Discovery Date : 18/04/2012 08:54 Number of articles : 2

WATCH: Did Christina Aguilera Snub Justin Bieber on The Voice?

Religious Right Attacks Hillary Clinton, Pushes To Criminalize Homosexuals


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The Religious Right’s new film attacks Hillary Clinton for supporting the rights of gays as “human rights,” and advocates for the criminalization of homosexuals. Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : The New Civil Rights Movement Discovery Date : 18/04/2012 17:15 Number of articles : 2

Religious Right Attacks Hillary Clinton, Pushes To Criminalize Homosexuals

‘Former Homosexual’ Calls for Dan Savage’s Arrest


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DL Foster, an anti-gay activist and professed “ former homosexual ,” called for the arrest of author Dan Savage for his role in founding the It Gets Better Project, which has consistently been in the crosshairs of Religious Right activists over its inspirational message geared to LGBT youth. Foster, who made the comments last week on Americans For Truth About Homosexuality Radio Hour with Peter LaBarbera,… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Right Wing Watch Discovery Date : 13/02/2012 18:14 Number of articles : 2

‘Former Homosexual’ Calls for Dan Savage’s Arrest

Wednesday Roundup 1/4/12 Iowa Aftermath Edition


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QUOTE OF THE DAY Michele Bachmann: “President Obama and his socialist policies must be stopped. …America is and does remain the greatest force for good America has ever known. …The people of Iowa have spoken with a very clear voice, and so I have decided to stand outside. …We must rally around the person that… our party selects to be the standard-bearer.” VIDEO OF THE DAY Outstanding! And much needed… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Katy Pundit Discovery Date : 04/01/2012 08:47 Number of articles : 2

Wednesday Roundup 1/4/12 Iowa Aftermath Edition

Harry Jackson Brings Down ‘The Queen of Heaven’ Behind Same-Sex Marriage ‘Perversion’


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Bishop Harry Jackson has become a favorite of Religious Right groups such as the Family Research Council and the National Organization for Marriage and is always ready to shill for the latest anti-gay or pro-corporate cause. As a favorite of both the traditional Religious Right groups and the “prophets” and “apostles” of the New Apostolic Reformation—Jackson has openly embraced NAR’s Seven Mountains… Broadcasting platform : YouTube Source : Right Wing Watch Discovery Date : 04/01/2012 22:06 Number of articles : 2

Harry Jackson Brings Down ‘The Queen of Heaven’ Behind Same-Sex Marriage ‘Perversion’

CNN Contributor Avlon: Christine O’Donnell ‘Queen of the Wingnuts’

CNN contributor John Avlon returned to his consistent theme of bashing conservative on Monday’s Newsroom, labeling Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell the ” new queen of the wingnuts .” Avlon also referenced Reason magazine’s label of O’Donnell as a ” crackpot of the first order ” and didn’t provide the full context of her 1997 remarks on AIDS. Anchor Kyra Phillips led the 9 am Eastern hour of Newsroom with the Republican’s 1999 appearance on ABC’s Politically Incorrect where she cited how she “dabbled” in witchcraft as a teenager. After playing a clip from the 11-year-old appearance, Phillips continued that O’Donnell’s remarks are ” raising eyebrows and some concerns from the GOP establishment ” and brought on Avlon, who has a knack for being tougher on his identified “wingnuts” on the right than those he picks from the left. The anchor referenced The Daily Beast writer’s September 15 column in her first question: “O’Donnell actually canceled two Sunday talk show appearances after this came to light, and now, you are calling her the new queen of wingnuts .” Avlon confirmed his label of the Delaware candidate and went right into citing Reason magazine and made his mischaracterization of her 13-year-old comments on AIDS from an appearance on C-SPAN : AVLON: Ah, the queen of the wingnuts . Yes, and this week in the Values Voters [Summit], she was very clear to say that she was not a wingnut. She was very specific about that. But this new revelations haven’t helped, and when you cancel Sunday shows at the last minute, that is sign of a campaign in crisis and damage control mode. This is just the newest revelation, but in reality, these sorts of claims have been dogging her campaign from early on. I mean, the libertarian Reason magazine called her a crackpot of the first order before the primary . So this is just the latest information, and whether you find this witchcraft claim more controversial or offensive than statements like- say, that AIDS sufferers shouldn’t be called victims, that’s a judgment call . But there’s a lot more where this comes from. The writer failed to mention that O’Donnell was criticizing what, in her view, was a “gross disproportionate allocation of funds” going towards dealing with HIV/AIDS. She made an analogy with heart disease: “When somebody finds out that they’re at high risk for heart disease, they cut out the fatty foods, they start exercising, they quit smoking. However, our approach to AIDS, when you’re in a high risk behavior, is to eliminate the consequences so that you can continue in your lifestyle which brings about this disease.” Speaking of “politically incorrect,” that’s how one could qualify pointing out the fact that lifestyles such as drug abuse or male homosexual activity put people at much higher risk for HIV than other activities, something that the CDC clearly underlines . Later, Phillips made light of the witch issue with a reference to the popular “Bewitched” TV series: “I don’t know, John. Can you imagine just kind of twitching your nose, doing a little ‘Bewitched’ action, being able to change policy? I don’t know…. Elizabeth Montgomery would be the positive witch model .” Avlon has repeatedly bashed conservatives in past TV appearances. During a October 23, 2009 appearance on CNN’s American Morning, he equated conservatism with racism. He labeled the “saving freedom” theme for CPAC 2010 ” a little extreme ” and ” a little far out ” during two February 2010 segments . The Daily Beast writer also lamented Senator John McCain’s tack to the right during the Arizona primary on August 25 and slammed Glenn Beck as a “professional divider” on CBS’s Early Show two days later . The full transcript of Kyra Phillips and John Avlon’s segment from Monday’s Newsroom: PHILLIPS: All right, it’s getting harder to be shocked by anything in politics. But here’s a story that sure meets the challenge: a politician admits that she dabbled in witchcraft, and it’s not some local crackpot running for dog catcher. It’s Christine O’Donnell, a Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, and a darling of the surging Tea Party movement. Here’s her surprising claim resurfacing from a 1999 interview. CHRISTINE O’DONNELL (from 1999 episode of ABC’s ‘Politically Incorrect’): I dabbled into witchcraft. I never joined a coven. But I did, I did. JAMIE KENNEDY, ACTOR: Wait a minute. You were a witch? BILL MAHER: Yes, she was a witch. KENNEDY: You were a witch. O’DONNELL: I didn’t join a coven. I didn’t join a coven. Let’s get this straight. KENNEDY: Wait a minute. I love this. You’re a witch. You’re going Halloween-‘I was a witch.’ I mean, wait a minute. O’DONNELL: That’s exactly why. KENNEDY: How did you used to be a witch? O’DONNELL: Because I dabbled into witchcraft, I hung around people who were doing these things. I’m not making this stuff up. I know what they told me they do. PHILLIPS (live): Okay. Well, O’Donnell’s comments are raising eyebrows and some concerns from the GOP establishment. But what matters most is what voters are thinking, just six weeks ahead of the midterm elections. CNN’s Jim Acosta will join with the results of a weekend straw poll in just a second, and CNN contributor John Avlon looks at O’Donnell’s mission: damage control. John, let’s go ahead and start with you. O’Donnell actually canceled two Sunday talk show appearances after this came to light, and now, you are calling her the new queen of wingnuts. AVLON: Ah, the queen of the wingnuts. Yes, and this week in the Values Voters [Summit], she was very clear to say that she was not a wingnut. She was very specific about that. But this new revelations haven’t helped, and when you cancel Sunday shows at the last minute, that is sign of a campaign in crisis and damage control mode. This is just the newest revelation, but in reality, these sorts of claims have been dogging her campaign from early on. I mean, the libertarian Reason magazine called her a crackpot of the first order before the primary. So this is just the latest information, and whether you find this witchcraft claim more controversial or offensive than statements like- say, that AIDS sufferers shouldn’t be called victims, that’s a judgment call. But there’s a lot more where this comes from. PHILLIPS: Well, and Karl Rove weighed in, of course, not showing her any love, and she actually Tweeted Sunday night on that and said that if she did have the powers of a witch, then Karl Rove would be backing her candidacy. (laughs) AVLON: (laughs) Well, that’s one way to spin it. (laughs) I mean- PHILLIPS: Well, does she owe an explanation to her fellow Republicans? AVLON: You know, I mean, I don’t think this should be taken that seriously. What it’s indicative of- this is a comment made on ‘Politically Incorrect’ 10 years ago. What it’s indicative of is a candidate who’s got a huge amount of baggage, who will be radioactive to voters in the common-sense center of America because of this and many, many other statements and questions about her candidacy- questions that other Republicans were raising before the primary, saying- hey, folks, we’ve got a good chance to pick up Joe Biden’s seat in the Senate if the nominee is Mike Castle, but a really bad chance if it’s Christine O’Donnell, who’s never held elected office before, but has run for the Senate three times in the last five years. PHILLIPS: Now, no one has come out- well, Republican-wise and had her back. Mike Pence was even on American [Morning] this morning, he skirted around the issues. We got six weeks and counting, John, and this is not her first obscure moment, shall we say? (both Phillips and Avlon laugh) You’ve talked about- you know, I mean, we watched them. We’ve covered it. You mentioned the- AVLON: Just the tip of the iceberg- yeah. PHILLIPS: Yeah. Well, that’s what we’re wondering. Is this just the tip of the iceberg and how long- AVLON: Yes. PHILLIPS: Until someone gets behind he,r or just says that’s it, got to go? You’re out. AVLON: You know, I think she’s in. Look, she won a close partisan primary fairly decisively. But the problem is that’s not representative of the entire electorate. But she has the strong backing of the Tea Party Express- put a quarter of a million dollars in her campaign in the last 10 days. But this is going to keep coming out. There is a lot more where this comes from because, throughout the 1990s, she was essentially a professional social conservative activist, going on television shows, from MTV to Politically Incorrect, and playing the kind of evangelical ingenue role here, and that is something that’s going to create a lot of vulnerabilities. There is videotape and a lot of it, of her saying some things which can really alienate or raise some reasonable questions among reasonable-minded people. PHILLIPS: I don’t know, John. Can you imagine just kind of twitching your nose, doing a little ‘Bewitched’ action, being able to change policy? I don’t know. That might be- AVLON: That’s the positive vision [unintelligible]- PHILLIPS: Yeah! That’s actually a nice way to look at it. AVLON: Elizabeth Montgomery would be the positive witch model. PHILLIPS: There you go. (laughs) Oh boy. Boy, did we age ourselves there. John Avalon, great to see you. AVLON: (laughs) Good to see you.

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CNN Contributor Avlon: Christine O’Donnell ‘Queen of the Wingnuts’

Cable Nets Barely Cover Christine O’Donnell’s Values Voter Summit Speech

While the mainstream media have been in a frenzy to denounce Christine O’Donnell as a kook for her socially conservative statements on abstinence from the 1990s, the cable news networks had a perfect opportunity this afternoon to let her speak for herself. Collectively they gave her less than five minutes. The Republican Delaware Senate nominee gave a speech at the Values Voters Summit in Washington, D.C. this afternoon from about 3:25 to 3:45 p.m. EDT. Of the three major cable news networks, Fox News showed none of the speech while MSNBC’s Chris Jansing gave viewers just under a minute of O’Donnell audio before interviewing Time magazine’s Jay Newton-Small about concerns some GOP operatives have about O’Donnell being a weaker matchup against the Democratic nominee than Rep. Mike Castle (R) would have been. Only CNN’s Rick Sanchez gave O’Donnell a substantial chunk of time: 3 minutes and 33 seconds. When Sanchez cut away from O’Donnell, he noted that she’s “getting her first taste of the national spotlight” since clinching the nomination and promised that CNN would “continue to follow as the midterms in November draws near.”

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Cable Nets Barely Cover Christine O’Donnell’s Values Voter Summit Speech

Newsweek’s Alter Distorts Gingrich’s Ground Zero Mosque Opposition

You can agree or disagree about former Speak of the House Newt Gingrich’s view on the Ground Zero mosque, but is it fair to vilify him with a false characterization of his views? Newsweek columnist Jonathan Alter had a peculiar take on Gingrich’s point of view during a Sept. 13 appearance on Fox Business Network’s “Imus in the Morning.” He expressed his frustrations with the attacks on Islam, as it pertains to public discourse with not only the Ground Zero mosque, but also the idea of people burning Qurans, which has garnered a fair amount of attention from the left-of-center media . “[I]t’s insane,” Alter said. “And what are we supposed to have, a war with a billion people? So, this is out of control. And, it’s kicked off something pretty ugly.” But one of the lynchpins of his frustration were comments from Gingrich , which Alter took some liberties with his interpretation of the former House Speaker’s sentiments. “And when you have people like Newt Gingrich, I think, my big takeaway from this is that he’s just completely destroyed any — the last shred of legitimacy he had to comment about anything. My favorite line by Gingrich is he said, ‘You know, when Saudi Arabia allows us to build churches and synagogues there, then we’ll put mosques in the United States, and until then, other mosques should close, too.” But Gingrich’s statement about the mosque referred specifically to the Ground Zero mosque, not all mosques in the United States. He elaborated, “If the people behind the Cordoba House were serious about religious toleration, they would be imploring the Saudis, as fellow Muslims, to immediately open up Mecca to all and immediately announce their intention to allow non-Muslim houses of worship in the Kingdom.”

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Newsweek’s Alter Distorts Gingrich’s Ground Zero Mosque Opposition