SMH @ her sending him bikini pics and ish though! Colin Powell has had some ‘splaining to do after a hacker got hold of personal emails between him and a Romanian diplomat “friend” who confessed her love for him. Via NY Daily News reports : Colin Powell denied Thursday that he cheated on his wife of 50 years with a blond Romanian diplomat with whom he shared emails of “a very personal nature.” Powell, 76, was forced to clarify his relationship with Corina Cretu, 46, after a notorious hacker dubbed “Guccifer” posted a link to their emails on his Facebook page. “I’ve loved you too much, too many years. YOU were my greatest love of my life . . . ,” Cretu emailed Powell on Nov. 14, 2011. She also sent him numerous photos of herself, including shots of her in a bikini and in a hot tub. But her affection for the retired four-star general seems to have never been reciprocated. The emails from Powell to Cretu that have become public were chatty — until he learned his account had been hacked and advised her to delete their exchanges. Hers had a different tone. “I did not believe that at 43 I can cry more for a man like a teenager,” she emailed Powell on Christmas Eve 2010. Cretu still seemed enamored in 2011. “Nobody (is) saying to go to bed. I just want to see you, nothing more,” she wrote. reported Thursday that the hacker obtained the emails that were exchanged between 2010 and 2011 by raiding Powell’s personal AOL account. In response to the website’s questions, Powell issued a statement insisting he has not been unfaithful to his wife, Alma. “This was a friendship that electronically became very personal and then back to normal,” Powell told the website. He said he met Cretu about 10 years ago while he was President George W. Bush’s secretary of state and she was the spokeswoman for the president of Romania. He said they’ve only seen each other “once or twice” over the past eight years. Cretu, who was elected in 2007 to the European Parliament, serves as vice chairwoman of the Parliament’s Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats. She also recently got married. After learning his AOL account had been hacked, Powell advised Cretu it was “best to delete all between us.” He said that after leaving the State Department in January 2005, he stayed in touch with Cretu via email and “frequently gave her advice on the prospects of finding a position with the UN or other international organizations.” “There was no affair then, and there is not one now,” said Powell, adding that they continue to be “friends.” The same hacker claimed responsibility in February for raiding email accounts belonging to members of the Bush family, revealing correspondence and a self-portrait of President George W. Bush in the shower. Sounds like despite the denial, there was some emotional cheating going on. Poor Alma — and we almost feel bad for the thirsty Romanian jawn cuz clearly Colin had her OPEN!!! SplashNews/SmokingGun
See the original post here:
Rumor Control: General Colin Powell Denies Swirly Chop Down Action With Romanian Diplomat, Despite Her Lovesick Emails!!!