Russians are fucking crazy, thanks to being raised communist and having no souls. Jared Leto, who you may still be masturbating to memories of your youth, watching My So Called Life box, a show that was insanely popular with girls you wanted to fuck, but that made me want to kill myself in the 90s, every time any girl I was with would make me watch it…because listing to an average at best looking Claire Danes whine about her problems with some weirdo Grunge era teen angst that I hoped ended the same way Kurt Cobain did…is in an internationally successful rock band when not winning Oscars….that was recently in Russia. Russian media, in being fucking crazy, because they are Russian, had weird Russian fans who are fucking crazy because they are Russian, have their weird Russian Parents, who are fucking crazy because they are Russian, do weird Russian skits, singing his music, that you may not be into, but that you can still appreciate because Russian videos are the new Cat meme of the internet.
Read more from the original source:
Russian Parents Singing Jared Leto Music of the Day