Part One Her voice still has that shrill quality to it that sterilizes small farm animals at fifty paces. Her father tells her what kind of “ammunition” to use? WTF? And why in the hell did that elicit applause from an audience in California? Did she bring in her own people? “Opinion under the guise of hard news stories”? Isn’t that the very definition of EVERY show on Fox News? Leno is such a kiss ass, his line about attacks on her family could have been written for him by Rebecca Mansour, or recent escapee Meg Stapleton. SHE is the one that victimizes her children. And believe me they are NOT well adjusted. Wait SHE commented about the “Family Guy” episode? I thought Bristol did that? Uh oh did somebody forget their cover story? And how did she not have an “opportunity to follow up”. She has a full time Facebook ghostwriter for God’s sake! You guys alright? Do you need a break? Let me know when you are ready to listen to more of this lying twit. Now? Okay. Part Two Did she just throw her father under the bus? Did she actually blame a man who was a respected educator for teaching her to cheat? Just when I think I have seen her go as low as she can possibly get, she surprises me. I cannot help but wonder what McCain has on Palin that compels her to support his re-election bid? The mind reels. By the way Palin doing comedy is not all that surprising. I have been laughing at her for almost two years now. Oooh she sucks. What the hell is she doing with her hands? And yes Sarah you are right we DON’t know the real story, yet. But you can bet your ass we are getting there!
Continued here:
Sarah Palin on Leno. Wear your hip waders kids the mooseshit is going to get deep!