Pastor Mark Burns Apologizes For Tweeting Hillary Clinton Blackface Cartoon We already know we can’t trust a word that comes out this faux Kappa’s mouth… Via RawStory Pastor Mark Burns, a surrogate for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, told CNN that he did not realize that a cartoon depicting Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in blackface would be “divisive.” In an apology posted to Periscope on Monday, Burns explained that he regreted posting the controversial political cartoon, which he said was meant to show that Democrats “were using black people just for their votes.” “It was never my intention to hurt anyone or to offend anyone,” Burns insisted to CNN host Alisyn Camerota on Tuesday. “Obviously, my message, I stand by. But the methodology, I do not.” Peep what else Rev. Republican had to say on the issue of black voters’ relationship with the Democratic party What do you think about the pastor’s points? Valid, or nah? Image via Twitter
Here is the original post:
SMH: Bootlickin’ Pastor Mark Burns Says He Didn’t Know Blackface Was Divisive [Video]