The Avengers premiered last night in Los Angeles, where luminaries, cognoscenti and unalloyed geeks took in the Marvel megaspectacle as one, big nerdy family. Afterward, with tweets permitted by Disney reps (and full reviews embargoed until the first week of May), many of those viewers took to Twitter to exhort director Joss Whedon, the nonstop action, the humor, the Hulk, and basically anything that wasn’t the ” worthless ” 3-D. Read on for a brief round-up. [ UPDATE 2:10 p.m. PDT : And starting now you can follow Jen Yamato’s Avengers press conference livetweet over at @Movieline !] Movieline’s own Jen Yamato was there, and it was Renneriffic: Avengers was big, messy, fun. More importantly there’s now nothing but Hawkeye fanfic swimming around in my head. #mmmrenner — jen yamato (@jenyamato) April 12, 2012 And what of the others, fans and press alike? ‘The Avengers’ is a big tub of popcorn heaven. A huge grin on my face throughout and much applause from the crowd too. Well done Mr. Whedon. — edgarwright (@edgarwright) April 12, 2012 So that was AMAZING. Like, double plus awesome. Thank you Joss Whedon for giving us all the #Avengers movie we deserve. #OnlyYou — Seth Green (@SethGreen) April 12, 2012 The Hulk we have been waiting for has at last arrived. #AvengersFuckYeah — Damon Lindelof (@DamonLindelof) April 12, 2012 The Avengers is pretty epic. There is probably more action in this film’s climax than all the other Marvel movie combines! — Peter Sciretta (@slashfilm) April 12, 2012 Just saw #Avengers !Holy crap!!! #HULKSMASH !!!! — JennaBusch (@JennaBusch) April 12, 2012 The Avengers – Epic. EPIC! Everyone fights everyone, but it does deliver. Marvel’s movies get better every single one. Hulk! HULK!! — Alex Billington (@firstshowing) April 12, 2012 That’ll do, Joss, that’ll do. — Devin Faraci (@devincf) April 12, 2012 …and so on and so forth. Expect the fanboy equivalent of David Denby to snap the review embargo sometime in the days ahead, no doubt. Movieline’s full review will run closer to The Avengers ‘ May 4 release date. Stay tuned! Follow S.T. VanAirsdale on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .
Excerpt from:
Twitter Loves The Avengers! [UPDATED: Follow the Press Conference with @Movieline!]