Source: Paras Griffin / Getty Trina Flips On White Woman Who Called Her N-Word Trina ain’t lettin’ s#!t slip ‘n slide when it comes to white people coming out their mouth with the n-word . According to TMZ , The Baddest Bi*ch unleased the furious fire of Hell on some salty soup cookie who thought s#!t was sweet. Allow us to be the first to inform that you that no, sir, it most certainly isn’t. Witnesses who had front-row seats to the retail drama say that when Trina accidentally bumped into the woman, she replied “watch out, ni**a bi*ch!” Calamity ensued. Press play to peep. Cops didn’t take a police report because Trina declined, but they did escort her to her car for safety.
See the original post here:
Uh-Huh, Ok, Whasup? Shut Up! Trina Puts A White Bish In Check At Walmart For Calling Her N-Word [Video]