When The Checks Stop Coming In: Con Ed Worker Gets The Pink Slip For Pimpin’ Underaged Girls From Company Computer

This is gonna be a hard hole to climb out of. It’s hard out here for a pimp , especially one who just lost his day job. Via NY Daily News reports : It could be lights out for a Con Edison employee arrested for allegedly using his computer at the utility company to pimp out two underage girls. Royce Corley, 27, will appear in Manhattan Supreme Court on Tuesday on two counts of promoting pr0stitution that could earn the accused flesh-peddler up to seven years in the slammer. Corley allegedly advertised his steamy service through the notorious website backpage.com, according to court papers first reported by Mario Diaz of PIX 11. But the Harlem man’s father says the NYU-Poly graduate is a nerdy systems analyst who posted a few ads for an acquaintance. “They didn’t know how to do it, so they asked him,” said Richard Corley, 53. “He’s a good kid.” Con Ed fired Corley “without a conviction,” his father said as he fumed. The company did not comment. Cops nabbed Corley in January after raiding his apartment and an alleged “crash pad” in tony Gramercy Park, where the 17-year-old girls took johns. They also seized his Con Ed computer and taped a phone call. But Corley is no pimp, his lawyer said Monday. “My client maintains his innocence,” lawyer Glenn Hardy said. “He … knows nothing about this alleged ring.” Court papers show cops found $1,000 and nearly 20 cellphones in the apartment and alleged sex den, as well as a booklet with names and phone numbers allegedly linked to the shady business. Neighbors of the lair said they saw johns cycle in and out. “This very nice-looking young guy rings the bell,” said a resident. “He comes down a while later tucking his shirt into his pants.” The police targeted Corley after one of the girls spilled the beans about the ads, which were paid for by the suspect from his Con Ed computer, cops said. Corley is locked up on $25,000 bail. SMH. His poor naive dad. Some parents will believe anything. “Not my son… He’s no pimp!” Images via Steve Sandberg/1010 WINS/WPIX.com

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When The Checks Stop Coming In: Con Ed Worker Gets The Pink Slip For Pimpin’ Underaged Girls From Company Computer

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