‘You would think she would learn her lessons by now, but she clearly hasn’t,’ gossip blogger shares. By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Matt Elias Lindsay Lohan Photo: David McNew/ Getty Images Despite remaining relatively low-key since Tuesday’s sentencing, it may be too little too late for Lindsay Lohan , according to one opinionated gossip blogger. Perez Hilton says that unlike many starlets who have seen their fair share of trouble with the law over the last few years, Lohan seems to be the only one who can’t keep herself out of trouble. And while she’s managed to avoid the club scene all this week, instead opting to hang out with Kim Kardashian at home and go to an art store with her family, according to E! Online, Hilton says that now is the time for Lohan to give up her “train wreck” ways. “Right after she was forced to wear that alcohol-monitoring bracelet [earlier this year], she did cut back on the partying a little bit, for about a week or a week and half,” Hilton told MTV News. “But even after having the alcohol-monitoring bracelet placed on her, Lindsay continued to go out and party repeatedly.” Case in point was only this past June when Lohan walked the red carpet at the MTV Movie Awards . “Lindsay even showed up to the MTV Movie Awards. Was it necessary for her to go to that? No! Was she promoting any movie? No! Why was she there?” Hilton wondered about the star, who he has previously suggested has been sentenced fairly for her crime. And while he questions her behavior, he wonders if she can follow in the “clean up your act” footsteps taken by some of her peers. “A lot of the things Lindsay’s done [over the years] just make you want to scratch your head. You would think she would learn her lessons by now, but she clearly hasn’t,” Hilton said. “You look back on the year 2007 when Lindsay got into major trouble — which resulted in all the recent trouble — back in 2007 both Paris Hilton and Britney Spears were also kind of out of control. [But now] they have their acts together. They’ve matured and grown up. Lindsay, on the other hand, is still a train wreck.” Related Photos Lindsay Lohan Goes To Court The Highs And Lows Of Lindsay Lohan Related Artists Lindsay Lohan
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Lindsay Lohan ‘Is Still A Train Wreck,’ Perez Hilton Says