For Discussion: Fox News Commentator Says Women Making More Money Than Men Is “Hurting Our Children” ….Is He Right?

Fox News Commentator Says Women Making More Money Than Men Hurts Our Children Earlier this week, a report came out confirming that women are the breadwinners in many U.S. households today . Naturally, the conservative base wasn’t too pleased with this news, and now one of their own are speaking out against the notion that it’s acceptable for mothers to have careers and earn just as much money as their men, if not more. via Think Progress Conservative commentator Erick Erickson earned himself a lot of detractors Wednesday night when, responding to the news that a record number of families rely on women’s income, he argued on Fox News that it was “natural” for men to take the “dominant role” and that women being the primary breadwinner for families is “hurting our children, and it’s going to have impact for generations to come.” But Erickson stood by his comments on Thursday, first tweeting, “Husbands and wives should play complimentary roles w/ dad as breadwinner,” and then penning a longer piece on the site he edits, Red State, making the case for why women shouldn’t be the primary earner in a household. “In modern society we are not supposed to say such things about child rearing and families. In modern society we are not supposed to point out that children in a two-parent heterosexual nuclear household have a better chance at long term success in life than others. In modern society, we are supposed to applaud feminists who teach women they can have it all — that there is no gender identifying role and women can fulfill the role of husbands and fathers just as men do. Feminists and politicians on both sides of the aisle view these statements as insulting to single moms and antithetical to their support for gay marriage. What should be insulting to single moms is for society to tell them they can do it all and, in fact, will subsidize their doing it all. I know a number of wonderful, nurturing single mothers. They do as best they can. Most of them have wonderful children. But not one of them prefers to be a single mother.“ What do you think, Bossip fam? Do women who choose to balance a work and home life deprive the children? Or are they setting a positive example for their children in showing the strength of mothers and women in general? Shutterstock

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