Taylor Swift is officially a wedding crasher! Taylor Swift Banned From Kennedy Wedding But Attended Anyway Pop-princess Taylor Swift may have just tainted her goody-two-shoes image by defying the orders of her boyfriend’s family member who asked her not to attend a family wedding. Sounds like nothing, right? Well it wouldn’t be, accept that Taylor’s new cutty buddy is Conor Kennedy…..and yes, he is one of THOSE Kennedys. Many have been loathe to believe that Taylor Swift, the country-pop star forever known as a mic-jacking victim, was capable of crashing a Kennedy family wedding, but Kathie Lee Gifford may have just set the record straight. On the “Today” show Thursday, Kathie Lee explained that she knew Swift did it, regardless of what her publicist has said, because she was in attendance. (The bride, Kyle Kennedy, is Kathie Lee’s granddaughter by marriage.) The event in question actually took place last weekend, when Kyle tied the knot in Boston. Swift, who’s been spotted with boyfriend Conor Kennedy visiting his mother’s grave and is rumored to have purchased (or perhaps was just renting, depending on the report you’re reading) a home near the family, was supposedly asked not to attend that weekend’s event. The Boston Herald quoted the bride’s mother, Victoria Gifford Kennedy, who is the daughter of Kathie Lee’s husband Frank Gifford, as saying that she asked Conor and Taylor not to come via text, but they showed up anyway. When she saw them, “I personally went up to Ms. Swift, whose entrance distracted the entire event, politely introduced myself to her, and asked her as nicely as I could to leave,” Victoria told the Boston Herald Wednesday. “It was like talking to a ghost. She seemed to look right past me.” Maybe Yeezy’s ratchet run-up on Taylor a couple years ago brought out the thug misses in her…don’t let that happy face fool you. Source Images via Wenn