Tag Archives: 2012 grammys

Will Beyonce Use The “Master Cleanse” Diet Again, Just In Time For The Grammys?

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In 2006, Beyonce dropped 20 pounds in two weeks after participating in the “Master Cleanse/ Lemonade Diet” for her role as Deena Jones in the screen adaptation of “Dreamgirls.” The “Master Cleanse” is a 10-day fast (including an intake of only 1,300 calories), used for detoxing and weight loss purposes. With a couple of extra pounds added during her pregnancy, we wonder if King Bey will put on her cleats and tackle the diet again– just in time to make it to the Grammy’s in a form fitting, show-stopping dress… The diet takes at least 10 days (up to 40 days, the period of time that Jesus fasted after his baptism, as Burroughs points out) The only nourishment that you take is a special lemonade concoction made from the Master Cleanse ingredients: lemon juice, maple syrup, cayenne pepper, and water, six to twelve glasses per day, each glass containing about 110 calories in sugar carbohydrates An herbal laxative tea is drunk at night and a quart of salt water is drunk first thing in the morning, resulting in several liquid bowel movements every day — you need to always be near a toilet when you do this diet, and you need to stock up on toilet paper You come off the diet by transitioning to solid food over a few days, ideally becoming a raw food vegetarian in Stanley Burroughs’ version of the diet The Master Cleanse was originally developed in 1940 as a stomach ulcer cure by alternative health practitioner Stanley Burroughs. Forget Beyonce, would you do the “Master Cleanse?” Find out more information, here !

Will Beyonce Use The “Master Cleanse” Diet Again, Just In Time For The Grammys?

LL Cool J To Host The Grammy Awards…

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LL Cool J has been selected to host the 2012 Grammy Awards . The two time Grammy winner will be the first official host in seven years (Queen Latifah being the last) . “I’m thrilled to be part of music’s biggest night…I will always have fond memories of my first Grammy Awards and to now be hosting the Grammy show, in the company of so many other incredible artists, is a dream come true.” said LL, of the opportunity, we can’t wait to see what he has in store for us all! 5 Little Known Heavy D Facts Nicki Minaj To Perform At The Grammys

LL Cool J To Host The Grammy Awards…