Tag Archives: 2014-at-warner

Mom Shaming Her Daughter for Sexting of the Day

When your mom speaks like this, and public shames you like this, while threatening to beat the shit out you, you’d pretty much expect to grow up a stripper, single mother, criminal… I don’t think quoting the bible, memorizing the bible…will save this one…or really anyone…but it’s funny to watch…I don’t know if it’s th internet fuckin’ kids up or their ghetto upbringing… Either way…funny.

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Mom Shaming Her Daughter for Sexting of the Day

Mariah Carey’s Solid Dress of the Day

Mariah Carey may be old but she still brings it to the fucking stage and by bringing it I mean her ridiculous tits that her tween gold digging husband probably encourages her to bring to the stage so that his friends go “holy shit, your mom has huge tits, you lucky bastard”…and not “dude you married Mariah Carey, that bitch was hot in 99″….because as we all know if you focus on the one asset you know you have…like massive tits or a round ass..it makes the rest of you negligible… I still like her better when she had lost her mind, was on sucide watch, before babies and family and Nick Cannon moved in on her to trap her into what she assumes is love…but I mean..she’s still got it going on…at least in terms of huge fucking tits…which counts for everything…I mean I don’t even think it matters if she sang…or if she can sing…she’s good. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE and even more HERE

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Mariah Carey’s Solid Dress of the Day