Tag Archives: 36-hour-bender

John Mayer Heckled Over Douchebag Tendencies

John Mayer is a douchebag . It’s no surprise that the general populace is beginning to treat him as such – especially ladies fed up with his antics. A source who recently spent time with the singer tells Us Weekly that he got berated on the street that night for how he’s treated ex-girlfriends. “Girls came up and yelled at him, saying he was a horrible person,” says a source of Mayer, whose list of dubious antics is not exactly short. This is a man who once decided to hold an impromptu press conference with celebrity gossip photographers to discuss his split with Jennifer Aniston . This is also a man who famously referred to another ex, Jessica Simpson, as ” sexual napalm ” and likened boning her to a crack cocaine addiction. Women are not fans. Continues the source, “Girls asked how he can treat women this way. People would tell him exactly what they thought of him.” Now the lame crooner says he is looking for “a new team to manage his image,” adds an insider. “He wants to change people’s perspective on him.” Here’s a free tip: More singing. Fewer musings on masturbating.

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John Mayer Heckled Over Douchebag Tendencies

A Dance Ma-Sheen: Wasted Actor Gets His Grind On (Video!)

Forget Brooke Mueller, Dancing with the Stars . It’s clear which half of this former couple you ought to cast. TMZ has uncovered footage from Sheen’s 36-hour bender last week, as he and a trio of porn stars created their own dance floor at neighbor George Santo Pietro’s house. (Yes, the same house Sheen had hoped to purchase for his adult film family .) Really, we’re not so sure why the public is focused on Sheen’s alcohol and substance abuse problems. His lack of rhythm, as evidenced here, is far more disturbing… Charlie Sheen Dance Party!

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A Dance Ma-Sheen: Wasted Actor Gets His Grind On (Video!)

Charlie Sheen’s Bender — ‘Briefcase’ Full of Cocaine

Filed under: Charlie Sheen , Celebrity Justice Charlie Sheen had a “briefcase full of cocaine” delivered to his home — and was using large amounts of the drug during the 36-hour bender that landed him in the hospital … this according to a source inside the house.