Tag Archives: 570-disclosed

A Victory for Freedom Of Speech – But Will It Last?

The founder of whistle-blowing website Wikileaks, Julian Assange, has been granted conditional bail by a judge. added by: joeeddy

Turncoat Republicans Vote for Massive Earmarks…Say Bye Bye!

Senate Democrats won over just enough Republicans to move forward Tuesday night on a controversial $410 billion spending bill by the end of the night Tuesday. But it may come as no surprise that almost all of the Republican senators who voted for the bill have billions of dollars worth of earmarks in the package. The earmark-mania is not unique to either party — both Democrats and Republicans contributed to what Taxpayers for Common Sense estimates is 8,570 disclosed earmarks worth $7.7 billion in the bill that would fund the government through the end of the fiscal year. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/03/10/gop-cross-overs-earmarks-gain-billion… added by: congoboy