Tag Archives: abigail clancy

Abbey Clancy’s Funny Lopsided Implants of the Day

Abbey Clancy, or Abigail Clancy as she’s known professionally…is a WAG, which means soccer wife, which is something pretty major in Europe since Soccer is the biggest fucking thing…and in being a WAG, has managed to have some kind of “lingerie” modeling career, that I would argue never really paid the bills, but was more of a casting credit to keep her Soccer playing man happy that he was married and spending his Soccer money on her…it’s a status thing….and now she’s out at events wearing no bra and sheer dresses, showing hte world her lopsided implant…nipples aiming to the right on this one…and it makes me laugh knowing that no girl going under the knife for tits to help their career is really doing it thinking that is gonna end up like this…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Abbey Clancy’s Funny Lopsided Implants of the Day

Abigail Clancy Gets See Through For Fashion Week

It’s London Fashion Week and all the hot British babes are showing up to various events. Here is Abigail Clancy in a somewhat see through little number and if you look real closely below her chin you can tell that the weather in England is getting pretty chilly. It’s definitely not a good time to travel there. That is unless you’re lucky enough to get to hang with Abbey. » view all 18 photos           Photos: PacificCoastNews , WENN.com

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Abigail Clancy Gets See Through For Fashion Week

Abigail Clancy In A Sexy Black Swimsuit

As you guys know, I love Abigail Clancy . Here she is once again at the beach in a sexy black swimsuit. I dig it, but I’m concerned about Abbey’s tan-lines. Even though that swimsuit is top notch, I have a feeling that when she looks at her perfect naked little body in the mirror today, she will not like what she sees. What am I saying? Abbey could have purple, pink and green dots all over her body and still be hot.

Abigail Clancy Bikini Pictures Will Blow Your Mind

If you’re a regular reader, you probably know that I’ve always loved Abigail Clancy . But I especially like it when we get to see the British hottie in a bikini. Now, I noticed Abbey’s looking a little sunburnt in these latest shots, and it’s probably because she’s using that crappy spray stuff . But not to worry, the Tuna’s here to help. Not to brag or anything, but I’m kind of a sunscreen expert, and I’d love a chance to test out my revolutionary new technique of applying it without using my hands. So what do you say, Abbey? I can be on the next flight out. » view all 14 photos Photos: Fameflynet Continue reading

Abigail Clancy Has Got Legs For Days

I know that most of the time when I talk about a British hottie, it’s usually because of what they’ve got going on in the front meat department. But when it comes to Abigail Clancy , I’m much more interested in her lower half. Take these shots of Abigail in a pair of tight jeans that go on for days. Some people want to climb Mount Everest before they die, me, I’d scale Abigail’s legs. I bet the view from the top is breathtaking. » view all 13 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Abigail Clancy Has Got Legs For Days

Abigail Clancy’s Perfect Booty In Leggings

Ask and you shall receive, apparently. Because after those last shots we got of Abigail Clancy ‘s booty in tight jeans , I was really hoping for some great leggings shots too, and I guess it worked, because here we go. But if I’d known all I had to do was ask, I would’ve aimed a whole lot higher. Like say, getting my own personal Abbey booty show for me and a few hundred thousand of my closest friends. I’m telling you, it could be the live-stream event of the year. » view all 16 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Abigail Clancy’s Perfect Booty In Leggings

Abigail Clancy’s Perfect Booty In Leggings

Ask and you shall receive, apparently. Because after those last shots we got of Abigail Clancy ‘s booty in tight jeans , I was really hoping for some great leggings shots too, and I guess it worked, because here we go. But if I’d known all I had to do was ask, I would’ve aimed a whole lot higher. Like say, getting my own personal Abbey booty show for me and a few hundred thousand of my closest friends. I’m telling you, it could be the live-stream event of the year. » view all 16 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Abigail Clancy’s Perfect Booty In Leggings

Abigail Clancy And Tight Jeans Are Always A Good Combo

Here’s Abigail Clancy showing exactly why I’ve always had a thing for her, despite the fact that she might not be as chestically-gifted as some of her fellow British hotties. Because this is one of my favorite views of Abbey, and even though in an ideal world I’d prefer if she was wearing leggings here, I can definitely work with a pair of tight jeans. I’m not sure if you guys can though, so I’d recommend saving these pictures for later if you plan on actually getting anything done today. » view all 11 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Abigail Clancy And Tight Jeans Are Always A Good Combo

Abigail Clancy Forgot To Wear Lingerie

Apparently Ultimo Lingerie held a big event last night, and they got Abigail Clancy to show up, because she’s seriously hot . But for some weird reason, Abigail must’ve forgotten to forget to wear her shirt. I mean, that’s the only reason I can think of why Abbey isn’t in her lingerie here, since she’s way hotter than the model she’s posing with. Because otherwise this doesn’t make any sense. She’s already in a see-through shirt, why stop there? I hate it when people only do things halfway. » view all 14 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Abigail Clancy Forgot To Wear Lingerie

Abigail Clancy Because I Love Her

She may not be as gifted in the funbag department as some of the other British hotties I post on the site, but I’ve always liked Abigail Clancy . That, and she’s got a pretty killer set of stems, so it balances out. Anyway, here she is launching some new clothing line for MILFs (I’m guessing), and apparently the proceeds go to charity or something. And since I’m always willing to donate to a good cause, at least when there’s a hottie involved, let me get my check book. Then I get to watch her take the sweater off, right? I’m still a little unclear on how this whole charity thing works. » view all 15 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Abigail Clancy Because I Love Her