Tag Archives: clancy-as-she

Hayden Panettiere Pregnancy Pics of the Day

Hayden Panettiere in the above picture looks like she is in the blowjob stance and that makes me laugh, probably because she should have given the blowjob, she’s too young for this being knocked up thing, even though everyone is knocked up… It makes me think, like most pregnancy pics, because I can’t imagine girls every actually wanting to ruin their lives with kids, since kids ruin lives, whether she had just one too many abortions to risk being barren with this one…since she’s not pushing 40 and still has a decade of fucking to do to make it count… It also makes me think, shit pregnancy isn’t attractive…alone with all the ruined body, sleepless nights no one cares about, aging 10 years in the first 9 months, and anyone who says they love the pregnancy glow is some lonely fuck who hasn’t had the chance to knock a girl up and never will, but wishes he could so that he’d never be alone again… Cuz anyone with eyes, see just how unnatural this whole thing is. It’s like an Alien Invasion or something. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Hayden Panettiere Pregnancy Pics of the Day

Alessandra Ambrosio in See Through Shorts of the Day

#455304762 / gettyimages.com Mom Alessandra Ambrosio, who I like to pretend isn’t a mom, because it makes looking at her more tolerable, wore see through shorts to some Madrid Fashion Week event, shorts that I am partially excited to see come into trend, you know that all mom’s of two will wear, especially the ones in line at Walmart, because I am ready for that level of disgusting. #455304744 / gettyimages.com #455304742 / gettyimages.com #455304730 / gettyimages.com #455304710 / gettyimages.com #455304704 / gettyimages.com #455276100 / gettyimages.com #455274776 / gettyimages.com I guess if that doesn’t interest you…here are some pics of her in workout gear back in LA TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Alessandra Ambrosio in See Through Shorts of the Day

Adrienne Curry Thong for Twitter of the Day

Adrienne Curry is up there on the worst possible fame whores to ever exist, only to not actually ever become famous, because she was a few years too early…. She won the first America’s Next Top model, which didn’t propel her into the world of Fashion like Tyra probably expected with the show, but rather into the world of selling your soul for trashy reality shows that were so insignificant that no one fucking cares that you were on them, or that you exist… She married a guy from the Brady Bunch or some shit, and leveraged that as hard as she could, shamelessly because she’s a disgusting human… Now she works Comicon festivals targeting nerds in Cosplay, because nerds are a loyal market, when not posting pics of her naked and half naked on the internet for attention…and the whole thing makes me ask one question…why the fuck hasn’t she done porn yet…not because I want to see her fuck, but because I want to see everyone fuck.

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Adrienne Curry Thong for Twitter of the Day

Abbey Clancy’s Funny Lopsided Implants of the Day

Abbey Clancy, or Abigail Clancy as she’s known professionally…is a WAG, which means soccer wife, which is something pretty major in Europe since Soccer is the biggest fucking thing…and in being a WAG, has managed to have some kind of “lingerie” modeling career, that I would argue never really paid the bills, but was more of a casting credit to keep her Soccer playing man happy that he was married and spending his Soccer money on her…it’s a status thing….and now she’s out at events wearing no bra and sheer dresses, showing hte world her lopsided implant…nipples aiming to the right on this one…and it makes me laugh knowing that no girl going under the knife for tits to help their career is really doing it thinking that is gonna end up like this…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Abbey Clancy’s Funny Lopsided Implants of the Day