Tag Archives: actor-academy

Jackie Cooper deat at 88

Jackie Cooper died Tuesday at a hospital in Beverly Hills after a brief illness. “He was a lovely man and I will miss him,” his agent Ronnie Lief tells us. Jackie Cooper, an Oscar-nominated child star who went on to play the gruff editor of The Daily Planet in four Superman movies, has died at age 88. At the age of 9, Cooper became first child actor ever to be nominated for a Best Actor Academy Award, for his role in Skippy in 1931, and continued to thrive in show business as an ad-ult. Along

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Jackie Cooper deat at 88

George Clooney Arm In Arm With Elisabetta Canalis

George Clooney is taking over New York City. The hunky Up In The Air star has been traipsing all over the Big Apple arm in arm with girlfriend Elisabetta Canalis . George is rumored to be the front runner for a Best Actor Academy Award, so far picking up a Best Actor Award at the New York Film Critics Circle awards.

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George Clooney Arm In Arm With Elisabetta Canalis