Tag Archives: actual-thong

And God Created Paris Hilton of the Day

We can assume by “GOD” they mean a pile of shit in a dumpster her coked up mom woke up next to after a night of partying at Studio 54….to which she figured she could pretend was hers so that she could benefit from the Hilton Hotel trust fund life…after her uterus couldn’t get pregnant after all the drugs… We can also assume Paris Hilton only agreed to this photoshoot if they wrote that “God” created her… Clearly, Paris Hilton isn’t a religious person, because this type of thing would be against the church….much like everything this coked up, drug addict, clever entrepreneur who still makes a lot of money, all based on a porn career.. Even though we all know there is no God, and if there was, he would have only created Paris Hilton after losing a bet with one of the other aliens…at a poker game…as a joke on his society he manages….. I have no idea what this Harlequin, Fabio, Romance Novel shit is…but it’s a whore being comedic…so it’s ok.. The post And God Created Paris Hilton of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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And God Created Paris Hilton of the Day

Kate Hudson in the Bathroom of the Day

Kate Hudson posted a picture of a public bathroom – where she stuggled to get out of her dress at some event…something that I guess she had to document because she’s never had trouble getting out of a dress…especially at an event….in public…I guess there weren’t any men around Yes… That was a slut joke, slut shaming, the girl with the celebrity parents who became a celebrity…after being a LA party girl…getting knocked up young and linked to pretty much everyone in Hollywood with a penis.. So funny…right… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kate Hudson in the Bathroom of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Hudson in the Bathroom of the Day

Katherine Heigl’s Weird ASs Flash of the Day

What the fuck is this bullshit…I guess it’s a movie scene where a fake panty flash happens… Zero Sex appeal Katherine Heigl is in a pair of leggings that are made to look like a thong…and it is creepy as fuck….but it’s in line with her everything…because Katherine Heigl in an actual thong, and not spanx pants shaping her to look like a thong…is far more terrifying…I am sure of that. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Katherine Heigl’s Weird ASs Flash of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Katherine Heigl’s Weird ASs Flash of the Day