Tag Archives: slut shaming

Emily Labowe Hot Model of the DAy

Her name is Emily Labowe …she sounds french and European and exciting or some shit…and exciting she is..but it’s in black and white, possibly on film, so that makes it art you know, not porn…it’s the very fine line that makes it masterful… I don’t know who the photographer is, but he’s named Danny Lane, and he gets hot girls naked for the internet, so he must be a god, unless of course she’s into being naked on the internet – something that will forever confuse me…because I am old school internet…an era where people getting naked on internet was a slut shaming, suicide inducing thing… Magic….or whatever this maybe. Hairy…cuz of feminism…which works for my hairy girl fetish, so feminism is porn to me….I like it….because it gives me everything I want, empowered women, nudity, bush…and a lot of nonsense that I can laugh at…GOOD TIMES. The post Emily Labowe Hot Model of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Emily Labowe Hot Model of the DAy

Amber Rose Says She & Kim K. Are The Same As “Half-Naked” Beyonce

Did Muva just come for her Muva?

Here is the original post:
Amber Rose Says She & Kim K. Are The Same As “Half-Naked” Beyonce

Shay Mitchell on a Boat in SHorts of the Day

Shay Mitchell is Canadian Royalty, because she’s from Canada, but escaped the ice wall and snuck her way to Hollywood, never to return to Canada, except maybe for Christmas vacation, where she walks around stuck up West Vancouver where she’s from like a fucking egotistical cunt who thinks she’s better than everyone – because she’s on TV…and that TV show isn’t some Degrassi / Trailor park boys shit…but major American TV – called It’s Pretty Little Liars…a huge fucking show she’s trying to diversify from….you can just tell by the way she’s posing for her own photoshoot that she’s the worst kind of person to have to interract with… These fucking selfie people are shameless fucks.. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE To SEEE HER ON SET FOR AN AD CLICK HERE The post Shay Mitchell on a Boat in SHorts of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Shay Mitchell on a Boat in SHorts of the Day

Bella Thorne Ass in Pants of the Day

Bella Thorne loves herself, or at least loves to market herself the best way a girl can market herself, through posing slutty in an era of no slut shaming, where you can be a feminist, and use your sexuality to manipulate men to give you what you want, then yell sexually harassment when they don’t give you what you want… She’s also the premise of a movie I am working on – about a 40 year old stage mom who moves to LA from Florida to whore out her kids after the divorce, you know to live that famous life she always wanted but got pregnant too young to pursue, only for her kids to not be down with the idea, cuz acting is cheesy and they’re too hip for that…forcing her, Bella Thorne, to take their place and pretend she’s 18…. This movie will happen. I will sue. The post Bella Thorne Ass in Pants of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Bella Thorne Ass in Pants of the Day

Bigger Than Ayesha Curry: Class, Respectability And The Damage Done

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Ayesha Curry’s judgemental tweet speaks to deeper issues of class, race and the fallacy of respectability.

Bigger Than Ayesha Curry: Class, Respectability And The Damage Done

And God Created Paris Hilton of the Day

We can assume by “GOD” they mean a pile of shit in a dumpster her coked up mom woke up next to after a night of partying at Studio 54….to which she figured she could pretend was hers so that she could benefit from the Hilton Hotel trust fund life…after her uterus couldn’t get pregnant after all the drugs… We can also assume Paris Hilton only agreed to this photoshoot if they wrote that “God” created her… Clearly, Paris Hilton isn’t a religious person, because this type of thing would be against the church….much like everything this coked up, drug addict, clever entrepreneur who still makes a lot of money, all based on a porn career.. Even though we all know there is no God, and if there was, he would have only created Paris Hilton after losing a bet with one of the other aliens…at a poker game…as a joke on his society he manages….. I have no idea what this Harlequin, Fabio, Romance Novel shit is…but it’s a whore being comedic…so it’s ok.. The post And God Created Paris Hilton of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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And God Created Paris Hilton of the Day

Kate Hudson in the Bathroom of the Day

Kate Hudson posted a picture of a public bathroom – where she stuggled to get out of her dress at some event…something that I guess she had to document because she’s never had trouble getting out of a dress…especially at an event….in public…I guess there weren’t any men around Yes… That was a slut joke, slut shaming, the girl with the celebrity parents who became a celebrity…after being a LA party girl…getting knocked up young and linked to pretty much everyone in Hollywood with a penis.. So funny…right… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Kate Hudson in the Bathroom of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kate Hudson in the Bathroom of the Day

Amber Rose Breaks Down While Speaking On Break Up With Wiz During #SlutWalk L.A. [Video]

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Yesterday afternoon, hundreds of supporters poured into downtown L.A. to join Amber Rose as she set out to take a stand against slut-shaming, sexism and rape culture…

Amber Rose Breaks Down While Speaking On Break Up With Wiz During #SlutWalk L.A. [Video]

One Time For The Haters! Amber Rose Slut Walk LA is Officially Sold Out!

Walk That Walk: Amber Rose Slut Walk LA Sells Out! Amber Rose has been going hard for the support of her first ever, ‘Slut Walk’ to be held in Los Angeles on October 3rd, 2015.  She’s been urging all of her fans and celeb peers to support the fight against slut-shaming and double standards against women.   Since she started promoting earlier this year, there was a lot of talk about Amber’s ulterior motives but she has officially silenced her haters with this Instagram post. Congrats to Amber and her team! Actions speak louder than words.

The rest is here:
One Time For The Haters! Amber Rose Slut Walk LA is Officially Sold Out!