I find it funny that people are so caught up in this silly story about Lohan’s misuse of Arabic, because she’s an uneducated child star who was sold off to be a dancing monkey at a young age…and not a fucking translator… So she wrote what she thought was “You’re Beautiful” in arabic but it actually meant “You’re An Ass”, your an ass… Sounds intentional to me, and the fact people are focusing on that…instead of what really matters…no not that her life is probably financed by rich dudes in Dubai who like shitting on American culture…you know a sponsorship you see instagram models onboard with all the time… The real comedy in Lohan other than Lohan as a whole…is that she’s trying to become a fitness instagram account. She’s plugging fitness products…and she’s on that grind…when the only fitness she’s every done is an 8 ball and meth induced pacing…during her unstable years… I am all for addicts finding health over suicide…but I also find it pretty funny when it comes out of no where…but maybe I’m just jealous I can’t come out of no where…it takes work… All this to say..seeing her big tits in a sports bra in this position…is fucking hot to me…and maybe that says something about me…or maybe it’s hot… If that’s not enough lohan for you…you can SEE HER LEGS LEAVING SOME HOTEL BY CLICKING HERE The post Lindsay Lohan Fitness of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
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Lindsay Lohan Fitness of the Day