Tag Archives: actually-needs

Ireland Baldwin Shows Her Money Shot Pose

Guess who’s joining the monney shot group? None other than useless celebrity daughter Ireland Baldwin. She actually needs a little work on it; mouth has to be more open and tongue further out. It’s not rocket science, but if you don’t do it right, you look stupid. Anyway, Ireland should stick to showing her big juicy boobies. She’s good at that.          

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Ireland Baldwin Shows Her Money Shot Pose

Robert Pattinson: Real or Wax?

Signature tousled mop and brooding stare in full force, Robert Pattinson was mobbed by adoring fans earlier this week at a press event for his new film Remember Me . Or was he?! Is this actually a picture of the hottest vampire to ever come out of Forks, Washington? Or has Madame Tassaud immortalized his likeness in her famed museum? You decide in this edition of Real or Wax … He makes the ladies swoon in droves either way, but is this a wax Robert Pattinson you’re looking at here, or the real deal? You tell us:

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Robert Pattinson: Real or Wax?

Cash-Strapped Octomom Gets Bailout From PETA

Incomparable waste of space Nadya Suleman accepted an offer from PETA to use her lawn to promote responsible pet ownership in exchange for cash and food. That’s one way to stave off foreclosure . People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) sent Suleman’s lawyer an offer to pay for placement of a sign in the yard of her La Habra, California, home. The sign would read: “Don’t let your dog or cat become an ‘Octomom.’ Always spay or neuter.” The photo features a litter of kittens nursing with their mother. Will shill for PETA for food. [Photo: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com] The offer is intended to call attention to dog and cat overpopulation, and unlike PETA’s Tiger Woods ad , Nadya actually needs the money and will agree to it! “Every year, 6 to 8 million animals enter animal shelters, and roughly half of them are euthanized because of a lack of good homes,” she said in a statement. The unmarried Suleman already had six children when she gave birth to octuplets in 2009. That’s right, she had six before her vagina became a clown car . All 14 of her kids were conceived via in vitro fertilization.

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Cash-Strapped Octomom Gets Bailout From PETA

Shauna Sand is Like a Silver Medal of the Day

The Olympics are going on and I thing Shauna Sand is channeling that with her choice in outfits by rockin’ this silver metalic shit that still shows enough cleavage to remind us she is a whore. I’m just not sure what message she’s trying to get across. I figure she’s either trying to say she’s not quite the best or the top of her game, but she’s still worth celebrating, or maybe she’s just saying she’s a fucking disappointment and can’t come in first because despite all her hard work getting plastic surgery everywhere on her body except her pussy, where she actually needs it, cuz shit looks dead and tired and needs a little refreshing, she’s still the first fucking loser…. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Shauna Sand is Like a Silver Medal of the Day