Tag Archives: adds-the-mole

Kim Kardashian or Kris Humphries: Who’s to Blame for Divorce Drama?

It’s incredible, ridiculous and disgusting: Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries are STILL not divorced. Yes, readers, these multi-millionaires continue to battle it out in court, with Humphries reportedly pressing for an annulment and attempting to prove Kardashian duped him into a doomed union; and Kim responding that her ex is simply petty and fame-hungry . But while Team Kardashian has claimed its client has been pushing for a speedy legal split all along, an insider tells Radar that the reality star is stalling the process. “Scheduling depositions for Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner [has] been problematic, as both claim very chaotic schedules,” says the source. “Kris has a right to prepare for trial, and the longer the Kardashian clan drag their feet in scheduling depositions, the longer this thing is going to go on. It’s worth noting that Kris’ deposition was completed almost two months ago.” In other words: if Kim wants this divorce to take place, why isn’t she taking any proactive steps to make it happen? Why not just schedule her deposition? Granted, she’s been really busy these days posting important Twitter photos . “Kris just wants the truth to come out and is dedicated to seeing this thing through,” adds the mole. “He is in no rush and Kim’s camp’s threats of releasing hidden footage that makes him look bad and other absurd claims don’t deter him.” Yes, both these people absolutely suck. But one shoulders more blame than the other for dragging out this drama. At whom do you point the finger?

See the rest here:
Kim Kardashian or Kris Humphries: Who’s to Blame for Divorce Drama?

Taylor Swift and Conor Kennedy: Elopement Ahead?!?

Taylor Swift is known for penning songs about her personal life, specifically any breakup that has left her heartbroken . But the singer is reportedly so taken with Conor Kennedy that members of his famous family don’t believe Swift will ever write a track about her new 18-year old boyfriend. EVER. That’s right: the Kennedys could see this pair getting married. I am never, ever, ever splitting with Conor Kennedy! Swift and Kennedy just started dating in July, but insiders tell The New York Post that “things have become so serious between them so fast that no one in Hyannis Port would be surprised if they eloped .” Taylor left her man last week in order to take care of some business in Nashville, but sources say she missed Conor so much that she sent a private plane to bring him to her in Tennessee. Adds the mole: “They are inseparable and are all over each other all the time… She always falls very hard and becomes very intense very quickly, and this time is no exception. In fact, she seems to have fallen even harder.” As a sure sign that the relationship is most definitely serious, Taylor accompanied Conor to his mother’s grave last week.

Read more:
Taylor Swift and Conor Kennedy: Elopement Ahead?!?