There’s no way Cindy Crawford should still look this hot at 48, it’s like some kind of genetic miracle or something, but right now this Omega Watches shoot is really taking me back to all those great afternoons spent locked in the bathroom enjoying Cindy’s pictures. Ah, the good old days. Although I guess it’s nice to see that not too much has changed all these years later. For either of us.
I know I’ve been complaining that the adult industry is seriously slacking lately, and that all American porn stars are damn ugly . Well, it looks like we just found the exception to the rule: Nicole Aniston , because she’s possibly the hottest one I’ve seen in a long time. According to my research, Nicole here was the 2013 Penthouse Pet of the Year and I would’ve been able to find out more if those prudes at Starbucks hadn’t kicked me out for looking at “objectionable material” and “violating the no pants policy.” So you guys just enjoy these pictures while I go find a seat with my back to the wall. Photos: Fameflynet
GTFOHWTBS! This may be the dumbest study any group’s ever wasted money on!!! According to The New York Post : The latest edition of the a research journal has challenged the stereotype that adult film actresses have poor self-images and a history of sexual abuse. A report suggests that the stars have higher self-esteem, a better quality of life and body image, and are more spiritual than their non-adult entertainment counterparts. Researchers at Pennsylvania’s Shippensburg University, Texas Woman’s University and the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation compared 177 porn actresses to a sample of women matched on age, ethnicity, and marital status. Comparisons were based on intimate behaviors and attitudes, self-esteem, quality of life and drug use. Sun News reports that the actresses in the study had all been paid to work on at least one adult film movie and ranged in age from 18 to 50. Their average career in the industry was 3.5 years. Results showed that the adult film actresses were more likely to say they enjoyed intercourse — no surprise there — but perhaps contrary to popular notions, adult film stars weren’t any more likely to have had endured abuse than those in the control group. However, some of the results confirmed popular stereotypes. For example, the actresses reported using more drugs than the control group while they also reported having intercourse for the first time at a younger age (15) than the control group (17). “Stereotypes of those involved in adult entertainment have been used to support or condemn the industry and to justify political views on adult films, although the actual characteristics of actresses are unknown because no study on this group of women has been conducted,” the report said. The study has been dismissed by feminist commentator Dawn Foster, however, who says the results have disregarded some of the adult industry’s seedier aspects. “It is dangerous to generalize about a huge industry: women who are successful and in control of their careers in one pocket don’t speak for women in the less scrutinized parts,” Foster said in the Independent. “The study’s main objective seems to be to prove that not all women in adult films are exploited: no one has argued that. But glossing over the exploitative aspects helps no one.” Ladies, keep your day job and honor in tow. Images via WENN
The adult industry in the US isn’t waiting to find out whether or not Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin makes it to the White House next month or not. They’re cashing in on her popularity and good-looks right away. Learn more here : added by: 13above
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