Tag Archives: after-charging

Cynthia Bailey Calls Bullisht On Kenya Moore Homeless Rumors, “I Didn’t Believe It For A Second”

Nene got Kenya together and now Cynthia is putting the struggle bird in her place. Cynthia Bailey Doubts Kenya Moore Homeless Rumors These two have a history of snatching each others wigs back . The only difference is, Kenya isn’t “gone with the wind fabulous” anymore and can’t afford to buy her a new one. According to Cynthia’s Bravo TV blog: I was completely surprised and caught off guard when Kenya showed up at The Bailey Agency when we were moving. Kenya and I are still in the early stages of building a friendship, and we don’t really talk on a regular basis. At the time, outside of a few random texts here and there, I had not seen or spoken to her since the reunion. Kenya had no real reason to be upset with me about not reaching out to her regarding her alleged eviction. Kenya is a smart, successful businesswoman, so I did not believe for a second that she would ever do anything to put herself in that kind of situation. Therefore, I chose not to reach out to her when I heard this rumor, because outside of working with Kenya, her personal business/issues are none of my business unless she calls me to discuss them. FYI: I do not believe everything I read in the blogs (as I have been a victim to articles that were not completely factual myself, such as pregnancy rumors, Peter cheating on me, TBA school closing, foreclosures, etc,). Side Note: Kenya has never called to check on me about any of the above. Anyway, we all have a lot going on all the time, and if I want to talk to these ladies about anything that may be going on in my life, I have all of their phone numbers to call them. Otherwise, I was very happy to learn that all was well with Kenya in the end, and that she had the situation under control just as I would have expected. With friends like these…who needs enemies?

Read the original here:
Cynthia Bailey Calls Bullisht On Kenya Moore Homeless Rumors, “I Didn’t Believe It For A Second”

When Animals Attack: Deer Kept As Pet Blinds Man In One Eye After Charging Him

Who keeps a deer as a pet? Deer Blinds Man In Eye After Charging Him A dog or cat would have kept him company just fine and he probably would still have a functional eye. According to Fox News: An Alabama man has been charged with illegally keeping deer as pets, including one buck that mauled and partially blinded him. State wildlife officials said Friday that they charged Julius Dunsmore with illegally possessing seven deer. Dunsmore said that he has kept deer as pets for years without any problems. He walked into a holding pen on Nov. 30 and was attacked by a large buck that he adopted after its mother was killed by a car. The deer’s antler severed the optic nerve leading to an eye. Authorities killed the deer because once they are held by humans, they cannot be released to the wild, Al.com reported. They are awaiting lab results to determine if the animals were infected. Dunsmore, 69, said deer are extremely dangerous and he cautioned anyone from keeping them as pets. Wildlife officials said bucks sometimes attack during the breeding season. “Illegally held captive deer in Alabama have caused numerous serious injuries and one fatality in recent years,” Kevin Dodd, an enforcement chief with the Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division, told Al.com. Stupidity is a plague. Shutterstock

Excerpt from:
When Animals Attack: Deer Kept As Pet Blinds Man In One Eye After Charging Him