Tag Archives: agdal-pictures

Nina Agdal Has Some Lucky Fans

OK, so I know that it’s possible you guys might be starting to get a little tired of all the Nina Agdal posts I’ve been doing lately (even though I think you should get your eyes checked if that’s the case), and I definitely don’t want to overexpose my current favorite model. Even though, again, that’s crazy. But I’m sorry, I came across these pictures of Nina looking as gorgeous as ever doing a fan meet and greet in Miami Beach, and I have a serious problem. How come I never heard about this? Everyone knows I’m her #1 fan. That should obviously be me sitting on her lap ! So great, now my whole weekend is ruined. » view all 11 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Nina Agdal Has Some Lucky Fans

Nina Agdal Has Some Lucky Fans

OK, so I know that it’s possible you guys might be starting to get a little tired of all the Nina Agdal posts I’ve been doing lately (even though I think you should get your eyes checked if that’s the case), and I definitely don’t want to overexpose my current favorite model. Even though, again, that’s crazy. But I’m sorry, I came across these pictures of Nina looking as gorgeous as ever doing a fan meet and greet in Miami Beach, and I have a serious problem. How come I never heard about this? Everyone knows I’m her #1 fan. That should obviously be me sitting on her lap ! So great, now my whole weekend is ruined. » view all 11 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Nina Agdal Has Some Lucky Fans

Victoria Justice Cleans Up Well

Here’s one of my all-time favorites Victoria Justice out walking her puppies and looking like a total hobo while doing it, instead of the super-cutie we all know and love. I don’t really get why any self-respecting hottie would go out like this, let alone a celebrity like Victoria who knows the paps will be following her around. I mean, where’s the booty shorts and lingerie? At the very least some skintight spandex. Because the only people who should be going out in public in baggy sweatpants are us bloggers. It’s part of our official dress code. Photos: PacificCoastNews

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Victoria Justice Cleans Up Well

Nina Agdal Is Back In A Bikini!

Good news, guys. I know we’ve gone a painful couple days without any new Nina Agdal pictures, let alone ones of her looking as hot as she does in this shoot for Banana Moon Swimwear. And yeah, I know none of you really care too much about what kind of bikinis Nina’s wearing as long as she’s posing for super-hot pictures like this, but the way I see it, the more free press I give these companies, the more free bikini pictures we can all get in return. See, it’s not just about enjoying one Nina Agdal bikini photoshoot, it’s about enjoying one a week. That’s right, I’m thinking long-term here. You’re welcome. » view all 18 photos

See the original post here:
Nina Agdal Is Back In A Bikini!

Nina Agdal Because She Is Hot

So Sports Illustrated held their big Swimsuit Issue party last night, and no surprises here, but once again, I wasn’t invited. Despite the fact that I was the one who suggested they put Nina Agdal on the cover in the first place . Of course, then they went ahead and added two more models, which I’m not gonna complain about, but I still think was pretty unnecessary. As you can see, Nina’s more than hot enough on her own. » view all 20 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Nina Agdal Because She Is Hot

Mariah Carey’s Busts Out The Goods Big Time

I’ve got to hand it to Mariah Carey , because I may have made fun of her, but she’s been crushing it lately. First it was a seriously busty performance at the BET Awards , now she’s lighting up the Empire State Building for Valentine’s Day. And probably half of Manhattan the way she’s stuffed into that tight white dress. Anyway, I still haven’t figured out why it’s such a big honor for hotties to turn on the lights for a giant skyscraper , but as soon as I do, I plan on bringing the idea to my office building, AKA my mom’s basement. Who wants to go first? » view all 15 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Mariah Carey’s Busts Out The Goods Big Time

This Is The Nina Agdal Cover I’ve Been Waiting For

It’s my opinion that Sports Illustrated kinda robbed Nina Agdal of the cover that she rightfully deserved . I have no clue why they had her share it with two other girls thatI barely write about. Anyway, this is the Nina cover I’ve been waiting for and it’s for some magazine I never heard of, but at least they got it right! Enjoy.

Nina Agdal’s Sexy Football-themed Photoshoot

Now that the Super Bowl’s over, that means we’re in for a depressing few football-free months until next season starts. But don’t worry guys, because I’ve got something to help ease the pain and tide you over for now: this football-themed photoshoot Nina Agdal did for bebe. Just be careful though, because between the short shorts and the sexy belly action, these pictures are so hot, they might make you forget about football all together.

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Nina Agdal’s Sexy Football-themed Photoshoot

Another Sexy Nina Agdal Photoshoot

I don’t mean to alarm anyone, but we’ve gone at least two or three days without any new Nina Agdal pictures, and that’s way too long to go without drooling over my current favorite model. But don’t worry, because I’ve got our Nina fix covered: here she is doing some sexy new shoot for bebe. There, that ought to be enough to tide us over for at least another 2-3 days hours minutes. …I’ll start looking for more now.

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Another Sexy Nina Agdal Photoshoot

Another Sexy Nina Agdal Photoshoot

I don’t mean to alarm anyone, but we’ve gone at least two or three days without any new Nina Agdal pictures, and that’s way too long to go without drooling over my current favorite model. But don’t worry, because I’ve got our Nina fix covered: here she is doing some sexy new shoot for bebe. There, that ought to be enough to tide us over for at least another 2-3 days hours minutes. …I’ll start looking for more now.

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Another Sexy Nina Agdal Photoshoot