Tag Archives: alarming-factor

Miley Cyrus and Her Penis Cake of the Day

These are some pictures that were sold to TMZ of Miley getting down and dirty with a penis cake…like all women do when drunk and faced with a penis cake…cuz girls are all horny sluts at any age….from 16th birthday parties to 65 year old menopausal parties…all women go nuts for penis cake… The only real alarming factor in all this is that these pics are of her boyfriend, Liam Hemsworth’s Birthday…and when dudes start getting black cock cakes at their birthday parties…you know there’s a reason for Miley’s pent up sexual energy…..she’s fed up of sucking his dick and taking it up the ass so he can smell the gay sex while wearing a mustache…see cuz straight dudes don’t stand for penis cakes at their birthdays….not even if it’s just for jokes.. Either way, I like the way Miley’s hustling the cock…she’s good and this whole thing is pretty fucking hot…especially the one with a knife….and really what’s the big fucking deal…all t is is a bitch eating some cake…people need to lighten up a bit…

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Miley Cyrus and Her Penis Cake of the Day