Tag Archives: alarming-trend

Facebook Home: Facebook Unveils Plan to Further Integrate Facebook Into Your Life

Facebook Home, unveiled today, is the company’s attempt to stop what it sees as an alarming trend: Facebook users actually spending less time on Facebook . So what is Facebook Home? To quote the video below: Facebook Home “Home isn’t a phone or operating system, and it’s more than just an app. Home is a new experience that lets you see the world through people, not apps.” Basically, it’s a suite of apps that constitute an interface for Android users willing to let FB mediate pretty much everything they do on their mobile devices. The video announcing Facebook Home does make the thing look pretty cool, despite not explaining much of anything … perhaps that’s partly by design? A product designed to make a public saturated by “Facebook Fatigue” spend more time on Facebook may seem like a risky move, but it also makes sense. CEO/Founder Mark Zuckerberg‘s vision has always been about Facebook evolving from a destination into a social layer blanketing the entire Internet. That is what he’s trying to do here. But will Facebook Home – available April 12 – provide the means to his goal or impede it? What do you think, THGers?

Originally posted here:
Facebook Home: Facebook Unveils Plan to Further Integrate Facebook Into Your Life

GLAAD Gets CNN Poll Spiked, Finds It ‘Troubling’ That an Opponent from MRC Allowed in CNN Story

The gay left hates debate – especially the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation. They’re furious that CNN Headline News offered balance and came to the Media Research Center’s Culture and Media Institute for a negative opinion on homosexuality. That’s apparently beyond the pale. Mediaite reported that GLAAD succeeded in pressuring CNN into spiking an online poll that asked the question “Is the surge in gay TV characters ‘bad for society’?” On the GLAAD blog , Aaron McQuade found it was “troubling” for CNN to allow dissent: The report then goes on to give a troubling amount of airtime to anti-gay activist Dan Gainor from the Culture and Media Institute , who does believe that it’s “bad for society” to offer authentic depictions of the lives of LGBT people. He remarked that, “Hollywood has done a great deal of work causing acceptance in American culture for homosexuality.” Why would you object to this sentence? This happens to be as factual as asserting that the sky is blue. It also acknowledges GLAAD’s power to pressure Hollywood. The only answer is that Gainor seems to disapprove, and disapproval is not allowed. It’s a false “dualism” to allow debate: But CNN’s offensive poll and its attempts to manufacture controversy by granting a platform to so-called experts like Gainor follows an alarming trend of media outlets creating simplistic, predictable “pro-gay”/”anti-gay” dualisms that do a great disservice to viewers who are seeking information on the diversity of opinion and experience within our community. We will continue to challenge this type of coverage. That is, the “type of coverage” that allows anyone to disagree.

Here is the original post:
GLAAD Gets CNN Poll Spiked, Finds It ‘Troubling’ That an Opponent from MRC Allowed in CNN Story