Tag Archives: albeit-not

Unfair Characterizations of Lil’ Wayne & BET?

For every Lil’ Wayne video aired, BET also delivers some pretty decent, albeit not perfect, programming, so must we compare BET to the KKK and Lil Wayne to the Grand Wizard?

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Unfair Characterizations of Lil’ Wayne & BET?

Record Boss Taking Taylor Swift’s Grammys Critics to Task

After taking home four trophies, it’s hard to call Taylor Swift’s Grammys experience an off night. Still, many critics—albeit not us!—panned her duet with Stevie…

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Record Boss Taking Taylor Swift’s Grammys Critics to Task

Creepy Christmas Taxidermy

Ok, so maybe these stuffed animals aren’t quite as creepy as our 28 Creepiest Taxidermy Creations , but stuffing dead animals for ornamental purposes is pretty damn creepy in and of itself. Throw in a Santa hat and some Christmas lights and it’s downright disturbing, albeit not as disturbing as this . Continue reading