Tag Archives: all-varieties

Alleged Fergie Butt Shot of the Day

This is an alleged Ferige Buttshot…that we can safely assume is not Fergie, but we can pretend for a minute that it is, probably during her meth years, when her lovely lady lumps were more covered in scabs, but still making money through sex work, and sticking bananas in her ass while staying at 1 star hotels… I mean this is so fucking bootleg….if this is her, I’d be fucking surprised, but since I like nudes of all varieties….from people of all walks of life…thanks to being a voyeur in this exhibitionist world…I’ll take it…but you’d think we live in an era where nudes like this don’t exist…I mean what kind of gutter, badly posed, red eye shit is this…it doens’t give Fergie a woman I once held hands with while wasted, or whoever this is any fucking credit…and I guess the only exciting thing about it is that it’s a butt shot…and totally SFW according to TV standards and practices.. The post Alleged Fergie Butt Shot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Alleged Fergie Butt Shot of the Day

Kelly Osbourne Unfortunate See Through of the Day

I hate fat girls gone skinny when they are ugly. Cuz fat girls gone skinny when they are hot makes for a very liberal and excited to not be fat girl willing to get naked, suck every last drop of male attention she can find, to celebrate all the years she was hiding in her fat costume….but ugly fat girls gone skinny, don’t realize that fat or not they are still fucking ugly, and even though they have the same wants to get half naked and jerked off to, since they never had it before, they gotta take into account that they don’t really have what it takes…even though I am usually a firm believer than all it really takes is pussy… See, I don’t care how skinny a bitch get, that doesn’t give her a right to wear see through shirts, in efforts to trick us into looking at her, cuz like all dudes, we have no choice but to stare at pussy of all varieties…I get that back when she was relevant and on TV all the starlets were getting noticed for being half naked, and she was too busy eating donuts and developing a drug addiction to replace her eating addiction, and I guess now is officially payback time…. All this to say…this is a pretty fucking unfortunate outfit….and that Kelly Osbourne is only hot when locked in one of her dad’s coffins.

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Kelly Osbourne Unfortunate See Through of the Day